Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 7, 1 July 2003 — Page 19 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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E Komo Mal! "Tūtū & Me" appliea^iono! Tūtīj & Me travt?liFig pre&choo\ will be &tartirg its Free prcf^ratn on July 2&. 2C?03. &ign up now] Arallablc fcr graridparcrrte1 Pai'enia, Aunilea & Uneiee Athclr leeiki aqee l7irth-& Tut;j and Ms ia a U.S. L>«partm«n(t cf Education funded project for Ncfive Hewaiian Fcmily Bo$ed Educotiori CS4 2C9A>

Tūfiī tmd nn1? fhe 6ol!o*ing k>catfcin3.: el.u^iHi L I i i J 1 H k I .:rtn i l" .Ti i J r i" : I" i , b'msre?ii hlsil-Plfllslw£i * M h k k i 1 11 h □ L-.m r Oi.h ty>\ C^hetei1a * Fūhj t>» □«m«n L-Hry !itjht>tf C.sheteila * fis't)hīiH ElfimftnLnry ' it.ht >■!! CafĒt-ena ii/all w, 1ijr tt.tinnd.!

Advertising and Distributing for Producers. Day Two: Saturday, July 26 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m Tcpics : Native Hawaiian Made Trademark, Packaging/Labeling, Marketing, Small Business Loans and

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