Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 7, 1 July 2003 — Arts apprenticeship deadline Aug. 8 [ARTICLE]

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Arts apprenticeship deadline Aug. 8

The State Foundation on Culture and the Arts has announced Aug 8. as the deadline to apply for its Folk Arts Apprenticeship Awards, whieh provide opportunities for advanced one-on-one instruction between a master traditional artist and an experienced apprentice. "In contrast to mueh of modern life, the traditional arts are learned slowly and under the individual guidance of a master of that form," says SFCA Folk Arts Coordinator

John Keoni Fujitani. "The Apprenticeship Awards program helps perpetuate these important artistic traditions of Hawai'i, so that they will continue to be a part of our living heritage." The program is open to practitioners of any traditional art form of any culture in Hawai'i. In previous years, Hawaiian arts such as chant, slack-key guitar, lauhala weaving, gourd ornamentation and net making, as well as other ethnic traditions such as Okinawan dance drama, Chinese opera and Laotian weaving, have been among the art forms supported. Awards, whieh range from $2,000 to $4,000, cover master artist fees, supplies and mileage costs for the apprenticeship. The master artist and apprentice must apply together as a team. Application forms and guidelines are available in the Folk Arts Program section of the SFCA website at www.hawaii.gov/sfca. To have an application form mailed to you, or for more information, eall 586-0306. n