Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 6, 1 June 2003 — History of sovereignty movement kicks off year-long televised forum on Hawaiian issues [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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History of sovereignty movement kicks off year-long televised forum on Hawaiian issues

OHA'svision statement, " Ho'oulu Lāhui Aloha ," takes form as a biweekly television roundtable discussion forum on issues relating to Hawaiian nationhood. Every two weeks, beginning June 4, the show will air Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on 'Ōlelo NATV Channel 53 over the coming 12 months. The forum will cover topics ranging from federal recognition to total independence. The goal of this 24-show, year-long forum is to provide the puhlie with a wide range of information relating to Hawaiian political, social, eeonomie and cultural

issues whieh are central to Native Hawaiian self-determination. The first two programs scheduled for June present panelists Lynette Hi'ilani Cruz, Mel Lonokaiolohia Kalāhiki and Louis Buzzy Agard discussing the history of the Hawaiian sovereignty movement. Produced by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, the series begins with production assistance from the award-winning Searider Productions student crew at Wai'anaeHigh School, Sparky Rodriques and 'Ōlelo Wai'anae Community Television. ■

In the first two shows airing through June, forum panelists Cruz, Agard and Kalōhiki discuss the history of the Hawaiian people and the emergence of the Hawaiian sovereignty movement. The year-long forum will air every tWO WeekS On 'ŌlelO Ch. 53. Photo:Manu Boyd.