Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 6, 1 June 2003 — Hawaiian mele online [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian mele online
Thanks to Kamehameha Schools' Distance Learning Dept., an innovative new program, " Nahenahe: Sweet Melodies ofHawaVi " will provide access to Hawaiian language learners worldwide. The series will explore the Hawaiian language through mele
(song) in eight 45-minute lessons to be broadcast live on Hawaiian 105 KINE at www.hawaiianl05.com. Offered free, the lessons will be broadcast at noon Hawai'i Standard Time, 3 p.m. Pacific, 4 p.m. Mountain, 5 p.m. Central and 6 p.m. Eastern time on June 4 and 18, July 9 and 23, Aug. 6 and 20, Sept. 12 and 26. The series will be taught by Hawaiian language kumu Ekela Kanī'aupi'o-Crozier along with special co-hosts and guest artists. Course materials are available prior to eaeh lesson as a PDF file online or by mail. Register online at hawaiianl05.com, eall 842-8789 or email nahenahe@ksbe.edu. From neighbor islands or continental U.S., eall 1-800-842-4682, ext. 8789. ■