Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 6, 1 Iune 2003 — Cultural classes [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Cultural classes

Chaminade University and Kumu John Keola Lake are offering a series of specialized courses and workshops to the general puhlie. Classes will be conducted by notables from the Hawaiian community. Classes run from June 9-July 26 in two sessions. (See ad on page 18).They include: " Language ThroughMusic " by Ku'uipo Kumukahi; "Hawaiian Epistemology by Dr. Manu Meyer; " Huakahi: SociaI Change Through Nomnolenee " by Rev.Dr. Kaleo Patterson; "Basic Hawaiian Conversation and Grammar" by Kumu Ku'uleilani Reyes; " Hawaiian Fabric anā Texture Arts" by Marques Marzan; "Hawai'i Social anā Environmental Justice" by Dr. Kekailoa Perry; "Hawaiian Techno-Education " by Malia Nobrega; and " Hula Ki'i (Hawaiian Puppetry) anā Oral History and Traditions " by Kumu Lake. Also offered is a one-day workshop on health and wellness on June 21 and a July 19 panel discussion, "Ho'omana: Hawaiian Spirituality." See NEWSBRIEFS on page 7