Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 05, 1 May 2003 — Page 20 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Extraordinary Lifetime Contributions to the Hawaiian Community H5x7't ^HHH^^^Hnv>' '' . W'^ .aAmk^ ~ ir*# 1 w*£^^K~Hk \ \ ^^ib - •. •.* "-e*- * * |*4| ]H-c . ■^^^^^^^S^6BS9pB(9l ? .vH^H «v v Ih H |h i i f i ; 1 ^H taK^v\ SS^xvjK ^ QS&|^^^^B^jseh \|Jk^l8^ ^y^H Hi v ^ y/ ' ' A' '■} j , | < ' ' \ Vv \fv ^ " -^N»^ >v « ^H^r ' '// ,', ' \ Vv \ v 'AWĪ?1 ■""' *.■•■' m*. , '. , <i > Jf 1 1 1 / f j i l lli''' W 1 \ *' * ^B~yl <^uET*"* **■ - **Mk^^ ^ NOMINATIONS SOUGHT FOR ORDER OF KE ALI'I PAUAHI AWARD Since 1953, the O rder ofKe Ali'i Pauahi Award has heen bestowed upon those who have heen unselfish in their gLft oftime, dedication and service to Kamehameha Schools. Begmning this year, the award wiU he extended beyond the Kamehameha Schools 'ohana to recognize individuals who have made extraordinary lifetime contributions to the Hawaiian community and exemplify the values and vision of Princess Bernice Pauahi Biskop.
Recipients ofthe O rder of Ke Ali'i Pauahi Award will be recognized at a special ceremony on November 5, 2003 at the Hawai'i Theatre. Nominations are currently being accepted through May 30, 2003. Nominees need not be Hawaiian, a resident ofHawai'i or a graduate ofKamehameha Schools. Nominees wiU be evaluated based on the following criteria: ❖ Qualities of character and leadership consistent with the spirit ofKe Ali'i Pauahi. ❖ Contributions or service to the Hawaiian community. ❖ Personal and professional achievements. For more information about the Order ofKe Ali'i Pauahi Award or to request a nomination packet, eaU (808) 534-3898 or visit www.pauahi.org.