Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 05, 1 Mei 2003 — PUBLIC NOTICE: NHPA Section 106 [ARTICLE]
Notification of draft programmatic agreement covering treatment ofhistoric properties that may be affected by conversion of Second Brigade, Twenty-fifth Infantry Division ( Light ) and U. S. Army Hawai'i to Stryker Brigade Combat Team The 25th Infantry Division (Light) and U.S. Army Hawai'i (Army) announces the completion of the draft programmatic agreement covering its responsibilities under sections 106 and 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, for the treatment of historic properties that may be affected by the conversion of the Second Brigade to a Stryker Brigade Combat Team (SBCT). This conversion includes development of 28 projects on the islands of O'ahu and Hawai'i. It may also potentially include the purchase of additional lands for training purposes. It is anticipated that numerous revisions will be made to this draft as the result of public review and comment. The programmatic agreement covers all survey, evaluation, and protection/mitigation of historic properties that may be affected by the SBCT. Separate Section 106 consultation letters are being sent out to individuals, families and groups that may have an interest in this project and its effects. Deadline for puhlk commeats is May 9. For a copy of the draft programmatic agreement for review contact Lauiie Lucking at 656-2878 ext. 1052, e-mail luckingl@schofield .army.mil or Christi Shaw at 438-0470, or email christi.a.shaw@usace.army.mil. Review copies of the draft agreement ean also be accessed at various libraries on O'ahu and island of Hawai'i. ■