Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 05, 1 Mei 2003 — OHA-sponsored workshops key to homeownership [ARTICLE]
OHA-sponsored workshops key to homeownership
Whai is the Pathway to Homeownership Workshop? The Pathway to Homeownership Woikshop is a 16-bour course that prepares individuals and familiesfor homeownership. Eaeh workshop provides an array of topics that help families gain confidence in pursuing homeownership. Workshops are offered statewide and are free. (See accompanying schedule ) 1bpics covered include: • Setfing homeo vnership goals • Developing a budget • Credit » •
• Obtaining a mortgage • Homebuyer assistance programs • Shopping for a home • Keeping your home and managing your money Who should attend? Individuals who want to: construct or purchase tbeir own home; improve money management skills; gain fips on how to improve credit power for home financing; gain know)edge on how to seek home financing from lenders or leam how to safeguard your home. OHA underwrites the Pathway
to Homeownership program to empower Native Hawaiians in achieving homeownership. Community partners conducting tbe woikshops are tibe Waimānalo Community Development Corporation, Aloha Credit Counseling Services and Hawaiian Community Assets. For more information or to request an applieahon, eall your island OHA oflBce (see pg. 18) or OHA Honolulu office at 594-1926. Emollmem is on a first-come-first-served basis. Pre-registration is reqnired. ■