Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 05, 1 Mei 2003 — RECENT RELEASES BY ISLAND ARTISTS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Ohta-San: "Manuela Boy" — These fourteen tracks feature the mellow and tlmeless styllngs of 'ukulele virtuoso Ohta-San and frlends. Produced by Mlehlko Urata and M& H Hawall.
Hema Pa'a: "Two Voices, One Heart" - Brlnglng together over 50 years of muslcal experlence, "Baba" Allmoot and Chrls Kamaka perform Hawallan and hapa-haole selectlons. Produced by Hula Records.
The Pandanus Club: "Mana'opa'a" - Another album conslstlng of all The Pandanus Club trademarks: fine harmonles, beautlful falsetto and ctasslc Hawal!ans songs. Produced by Kawal Records.
'Anelaikalani: "Among My Souvenlrs" - Don't let the amazlng range of her volce fooi you, 'Ānealkalanl ls only 14. and her thlrd album might be her best yet Produced by Shaka Records.