Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 05, 1 May 2003 — Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Are you a Native Hawaiian woman who has been recently diagnosed with cancer? • Mave you been diagnosed with eancer within the last 12 months? • ls this the first time you have been diagnosed with cancer? • ls your residence on O'ahu? • Can you identify members of your 'ohana who wili be wlliing to kēkua and participate with you in fhis study? if you or a woman you love has cancer, eaii for more information on Na Lei Pūlama or 'Ohana lntervention studies. Participation wiii help develop future eul-ture-based services thhat wi'll benefit Hawaiian families. For more information, contact the studies' "warmline," 564-5858. Or eall: • Dr. Noreen Mokuau, 956-6243 or Coordinator Paula Higuchi, 564-5921; or • Dr. Lana Ka'opua, 564-5823.