Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 05, 1 May 2003 — Small business conference helps Hawaiians to succeed [ARTICLE]
Small business conference helps Hawaiians to succeed
OHA is hosting the Fourth Annual Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund (NHRLF) Small Business Conference on Fri., June 27, at the Hawai'i Convention Center, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. This year's theme is " Holomua a LanaMla" (advancing toward victory), referring to the can-do entrepeneurial spirit. By taking- the proper steps, small business owners ean achieve success. Any victory, whether in businesss or other endeavors, requires good planning, commitment and attention to detail. Senator Daniel Inouye will be the keynote speaker. Featured presenters for the breakout sessions will be Mei Jeanne Wagner, Marketing on a Shoestring Budg6t\ David Gillespie, Management Tips\ Mihon Kwoek and Russell Yamada, Getting Set Up & Started\ and Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Program staff,
Learn About the NHRLF . The Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund, whieh celebrates its 15th anniversary this year, is a lending program for Native Hawaiians. The fund's mission is to increase sustainable businesses by fostering eeonomie independence, commitment, and fiscal responsibility through entrepreneurial/job development. Currently there are 125 loan recipients in the state totaling $3.6 million dollars. The event is open to Native Hawaiians and the general public. Registration fee for the one-day event is $25, and includes continental breakfast, luneh and all registration fees. Deadline to register is June 20, To register, eall the UH Conference Center at 956-8204, ■