Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 04, 1 ʻApelila 2003 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

— , HAWAIIAN FEDERAL RECOGNITION^n^ " I ' - .T" ^^1» - ^MBWmCrTi«l ri ' 'WHPP- ■ ™r ■ I I I I I / / - I ■ i

The Hawaiian Federal Recognition Bill, also known as the "Akaka Bill," is now before Congress. The bill seeks to affirm the indigenous status of the Hawaiian peop^ and their political r^atl°™ with the United States. Hawauans will achieve parity with more than 550 Native Amenean and I Alaska Native tribes already recognized by th I federal government. The bill is a crucial first step to protect hundreds I 0f heaUh, education, housing, employment, I eeonomie development, and arts and culture programs benefiting the Hawauan commumty. AU these programs and services are now in | jeopardy by legal challenges calling them race-based discrimination. To find out the facts about legislation that will affect all of us who eall Hawai'i home, visit our website I at www.OHA.org or eall (808) 594-1888. www.OHA.org

" How will Federal * Recognition affect me? " FeJer eM Recognition for native hawaiians I

. . 1 1 * QCOi o . Tcl RQ4 1 888 • Fax. 594.1 865 • www.OHA.org Honolulu, Hl 96813 Tel.594. ^ ^