Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 04, 1 April 2003 — PUBLIC NOTICE: NHPA Section 106 [ARTICLE]
Notification of Project and Request for Public Feedback and Consultation in Compliance with NHPA Section 106, State of Hawai'i, Department of Transportation, Highways Division Kamehameha Highway, Replacement of North Kahana Bridge, Kahana, Ko'olauloa, O'ahu, Hawai'i, Federal Aid Number 83D-01-01 The State of Hawai'i, Department of Transportation (DOT), Highways Division (HWY) is proposing to replace the existing North Kahana Bridge located on Kamehameha Highway, near the Kahana VaUey State Park entrance in the district of Ko'olauloa, O'ahu, Hawai'i. The bridge is situated at the estuary formed between the northern fork. of Kahana Stream and the Pacific Oeean and is an integral part of Kamehameha Highway, whieh serves as the sole thoroughfare linking coastal communities on the northeastern portion of the Island. Based on the guidelines of the US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) the existing North Kahana Stream Bridge is eligible for replacement under the FHWA Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program. The project involves the construction of a replacement of the existing bridge with a new bridge and may involve the construction of a temporary bypass bridge across North Kahana Stream. Tax Map Key State of Hawai'i, lst Division (O'ahu) 5-2-02:001 5-2-05:003 encompasses the project site that may be affected by construction work. This project is partially funded by the federal government and environmental documentation under the requirements of HRS 343 and NEPA is currently being developed for the project and will be submitted to the Kahuku Puhlie and School Library — the closest puhlie library to the project site — upon its eompletion for puhlie use and review. For the next month, at this early stage in project development, we are evaluating the comments and eoncerns of the puhlie surrounding the aforementioned project. We*are in the process of discerning whether the project will affect any historic or cultural properties as outlined by Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA). We weleome any information on historic or cultural properties that may be affected by this project; individuals, families, groups or organizations that may have concerns or interests regarding the proposed project. To express comments or concerns in the proposed project relating to any historic or cultural properties as outlined by Section 106 of the NHPA, contact Project Manager Dean TaMguchi, 601 KamōMla Blvd., Rm. 611, Kapolei, HI 96707 or eall 692-7614 during o£fice hours.