Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 04, 1 ʻApelila 2003 — HO'OHUI 'OHANA [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lfyou are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola o OHA will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis. Send your information to OHAor email kwo@OHA.org. E ola nā mamo a Hāloa!
Enoka — A 2003 reunion is being planned for the family of William and Margaret (Sniffen) Enoka of Ho'olehua, Moloka'i, Aug. 29 - Sept. 1, Labor Day weekend, on Moloka'i. For more information, contact James Butch Enoka at 808-422-6946 or enokajb@hotmail.com or Cheryl K. Enoka at 808-391-9651 or ekenoka @ yahoo.com. Halulu /Kuhaiki /Naihe /Hooke — I'm seeking genealogy information on Punana Kalaulehua (Lulua) Halulu with lst husband James Kuhaiki and their descendants, with 2nd husband James Kamaka Naihe and their descendants, and William Hooke and their descendants. Please contact "Pomai" at 2362654. Holualoa/Kahaunaele — The descendants of Papapa Holualoa and Emily Kahaunaele are planning a reunion in August. Their offspring (three daughters) were: 1) Elizabeth Nu'uhiwa (m: Joseph Akau). Her 10 children were Joseph, James, Sarah Wai'alae, Samuel, Dora Martinez, Robert, Elizabeth Griffin, Ethel Kahili, Raymond and Norman. 2) Victoria Maika'i (m: George Palakiko). Her 12 children were George, Emily Kalawai'amoku, John, Annie Yee, Robert, Victoria Woods, James, Rose Repercio, Frank, Daniel, Angeline Haunio and David. 3) Rachel Lahela (M: Harry Kuhia and Thomas Kamali'i). Her 10 children were Harry Kuhia, Iva Kamali'i, Sonny Kuhia, Elizabeth Kalua, David Kuhia, Gay Lacaden, Henry Miksobe, Ku'ulei Kamaka, Thomas Kamali'i and Celelia Gante. Please contact Arviella Wai'alae Keli'i at 668-7650, or email Kimo Keli'i at kimo@bscn.com for planning meeting and reunion information. Ho'ohuli/Pa'ahao — Descendants of Ho'ohuli Pa'ahao and Pua Kahiewalu are scheduling a reunion next summer, July 10-13. If you are connected to this family or would like additional information, eall Joe and Noe Ho'ohuli at 6681241 or email lhoohuli@aol.com Huluole — I would appreciate any help with genealogical information on my grandmother, Hattie Kaleohano Huluole. She was married to Kam Hu Ching, a.k.a. Sam Ahu Ching, and they lived in Waihe'e, Maui around the 1920's. Call J.M. Ho at 722-8699 or email moonui21@hawaii.rr.com. Kaae Ninaulia/Ninaula — I am eagerly seeking any information concerning one of my great grandmothers by the name of Kaae Ninaulia/Ninaula from Kaua'i, possibly the Hanalei area, born around 1851. It is my belief that she was one of five children. She married a Lui Wohlers who immigrated from Germany to work as a carpenter at Lihu'e and Hanamauulu Plantations. They had five children, the eldest was a daughter born in August 1872 by the name of Susan Wohlers. Ms. Wohlers married an Adolph Peiler from Germany in 1886, they had 12 children all born in Koloa, Kaua'i. Please contact Pua Lee at hulakamehana@cs.com or P.O. Box 2496, Wailuku, HI 96793.
Kahana'oi / Pēmaika'i — An 'ohana reunion is scheduled for Sat., March 15, at Zablan Beach Park, before Nānākuli Beach Park, left side by Navy Station, across Nānākuli Ranch on Farrington Hwy. The potluck event is ffom 9 a.m.-6 p.m. A flier was recently sent, but mailing list updates are needed. Call Jeanne Kahana'oi at 696-5002 for more information. Kaholokula — The descendants of Joseph Alapai Kaholokula are planning a family reunion of all Kaholokula family members, descendants, ancestors and friends. The reunion is planned for the summer of 2003 on Oahu. We areactively pursuing those interested in participating in the reunion andfamily genealogy efforts. Please contact Clifford "Butch" or Mary Jane Kaholokula at 456 2882 or write to them at 98-1343 Hoohiki Street, Pearl City, HI 96782 or email kaholokula2003 @ cs.com Kaluanawaa — Plans are underway for a reunion on O'ahu, Oct. 18, for the descendants of Solomon Palau Kaluanawaa and Elizabeth Nawahinemakaokekai Paakaula. Their children are Samuel, Mary (David Bell), Simon Kino (Annie Feary, Sarah Kahiwa), Phillip, Kapela, Kamaihoonipo, Moeikawai, Frank (Annie ako, Mary Reiman), Elizabeth (William Malama), John (Susie Kahilahila), Palau, Mary (Alexander Harris), Mary Ann (William Emo), Paakaula, James (Bessie Kaleo, Francis Souza), Mable (Kahaunaele Kanohoano), Henry, Maria (Louis Poaha, William Halena Kahele). For location and additional information, eall Pauleen Kaluanawaa Torres, 847-5507, by writing to 1940 Iwaho Pl., Honolulu, HI 96819 email at res0g79t@verizon.net . Kanawaliwali — The descendants of Peter Hala'ula, aka Peter Kalua (k) and Mele Kuluwaimakalani Ni'ihau (w); and Benjamin Kaleo (k) and Kekai Pelio (w) of Kaua'ula, Lahaina, Maui; are planning a family reunion on Maui, July 4-5. Descendats of Peter Kalua are Lucy Kamalu, Hattie Pualoke, Julia Mikimiki, Nakaikua'ana, Peter Hala'ula, Bernice, Kalani, Henry Lapahuila, Nakapalau, Charles (Agripa) Ninau'apoe, Abraham Tila, Bush Kalani. Peter J. Jr. Descendatns of Kaleo are James Koanui aka Kekoanui, John Kaleo, Julia Kealo and Mary Kanawaliwali. For information, eall Momi Kalehuawehe at 808-244-9513, Diane Amado, 808 579-9429 (Maui), or Ku'ulei Kalua, 523-1690. Kauhi/Ma-e — A 2003 reunion is being planned for the family of Moano Ma-e Holi and Kumualii Kekahimoku of Napo'opo'o, Waipi'o, Hawai'i, July 5, 2003. For more information contact Yolanda (Gilbert) Salvador Hesia 808-935-4759, 808-640-0028 or Richard (Darlene) Salvador, 808-342-8685. Kawā'auhau — A reunion is planned for July 2-5 in Miloli'i, South Kona, for the descendants of the Kawā'auhau brothers. Daniel (wife: Alikapeka Kaliuna; children: Wahinenui, Pahio, Kahalepō, Keli'ikuli, Kahanapule, Kapeliela, Kaulahao, Paula, Makia, Kekumu, Kauka and Ha'aheo), and
Philip (wife: Kahele Ka'aiwaiū; ehildren: Henry Hart Kawā'auhau and Hattie Wilkins; and James Kawā'auhau and Louisa Kupihea (Beirnes, Lukzens): and John (wife: Waiwai'ole, children: Anna and William Copp (Hubbells); Keli'ihelelā and Auliana and Ah Ko. For information, contact Sarah K. Kahele, 144 Ka'ie'ie Pl., Hilo, HI 96720, or eall 808-959-1607, 808-987-8920(c) Kekumu — A first 'ohana reunion for the family of Horace and Leinani (Kahananui) Kekumu of Wailuanui, Ke'anae, Maui, is planned for Aug. 1517, Admission Day weekend. Their offspring were Nancy, Nettie, Katherine, and Esther (Hana), Horace Jr., Matthew and Kenneth. For more information, contact Charlie Minewa Kaili Jr. at 808-572-5942 or Charlie Villalon Jr. at 808242 2992 (Maui) or e-mail Kaili@maui.net. Kuahua /Ka'au'a — The descendants of Kuahua (w) born about 1831 and Ka'au'a (k) born about 1829 in Kekaha, Kaua'i, and their children Haliaka, Oliwa Alapa, Wahahulu-Walea, Kaluaiki and Kuahua will be having their 8th family reunion in California, Oct. 15-18. We are updating our family mailing lists and taking a survey of family members who would be interested in attending. For more information or for a survey, eall Nell Ava at 808-293-5778 (evenings) or email Nell at nava@hawaii.rr.com or Nettie Alapa Hunter at Anake58@aol.com Kupihea — The descendants of Samuel Kupihea and Mary Kahilulu (Melia Hipa) Kaaikanaka, parents of David Malo and Kahilulumoi (Lulu) Kupihea are gathering family information and photos in preparation for a reunion pienie scheduled for July 12 at Ala Moana Park. For information, eall Sami Dolan at 292-4444, Mike KeUy at 247-0498, Charles Warrington Sr. at 737-4420 or Gerry Chong at 626-1833. Mahi'ai — A reunion is being planned for the descendants of Samuel Kahope Mahi'ai, born Oct. 12, 1891, through offspring of his two wives, Rose Ka'ililaulani Nāmilimili (b. March 10, 1896) and Agnes Koloa Mauna (b. March 23, 1912). Planning meetings are held the second Saturday of eaeh month. For meeting locations, eall Harriet K. Mahi'ai at 696-7232 or 294-0836 (e). Namauu — Descendants of Keoki (George) and Hannah Nihoa Namauu are having a reunion Nov. 28- Dec. 01 at Spencer Beach Park in Kawaihae, Hawai'i. Namauu families from different branches are welcomed. A Thanksgiving potluck luneheon will be held at noon at the beach park pavilion. Camping at the beach park is optional, and requires families to obtain permits. If you have updates on family information, contact Momi Moore at 808-966-7378, or by email: plm5623@aol.com. For reunion information, contact Lovey Toki at 808-961-4988, by email: kilohiwai@hotmail.com, or write to 38 Kilua Road, Hilo, HI 96720. Nāmu'o/Simerson — Although this
reunion is coordinated by the descendants of John William Namu'po and Helen Hariett (Hattie) Simerson, our ancestor cousins are weleome to eome. The 2003 familyl reunion on O'ahu is scheduled for Friday, Aug. 15 (Admission Day). RSVP notices have been mailed. If you ned an RSVP notice or additional reunion or genalogy information, contact Lora Kanno at lkanno@hawaii.rr.com or write to P.O. Box 4937, Kāne'ohe, HI 96744. Parker — I'm a direct descendant of Kipikani Parker (1800 - 1860), greatgranddaughter of King Kamehameha the Great and the wife of John Palmer Parker I (1790 - 1868), founders of the Parker Ranch. I'm working on my genealogy and would like to know if anyone has a picture of Kipikani. Also, does anyone have a picture of Mary Ann Kaulalani Parker, deceased Aug. 30, 1859, daughter of Kipikani. Please contact I. Yuen at 45-355 Lehu'uila St., Kane'ohe, HI 96744. Poaipuni/Pu'upu'u Nahuawai Kauaua — A 2003 reunion is planned on Maui, Aug. 29-31. We are looking for information on families of the Poaipuni, 'Aipu'upu'uimuaona-keolana-ali'i Kauaua (a.k.a Pu'upu'u Nahuawai Kauaua). If you have family information, we would appreciate you contacting reunion president Geri Ku'ulei Kalawai'a, 808-878-3420 (days, Mon,Fri.), or write to P.O. Box 904, Kula, HI 96790. Puni /Koia — I'm seeking genealogy information on John Puni and his wife Euniee Koia and their descendants. Please contact Pomai at 236-265. Purdy — The children of Papa Ikua and Tutu Keala Purdy will be having a family reunion on July 11-13, 2003 at the Lion's Club at Hau Bush Beach in 'Ewa, Oahu. Their offsprings are: William Ulumaheihei, Margaret, George Kauhi, Hattie Leilehua, George Sr., Cecilia Kalili, Harry Kahuku, Daniel, Martin, Nelli, and Wallaee Halulu. For more information, contact Shirley Aipa at 668 8357 or Ikua Purdy at 677-4122. Santos — We are planning a reunion this year for the children of Antone Santos Jr. and Mary Ann Ka'a'a who include Julia, Antone, Mary Ann, Edwin, Paul, Calvin and Rebecca. We weleome all children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Form information, eall Mary Ann at 942-8598 or Leinā'ala at 678-3085. Schutte — A planning meeting is scheduled for Sat., March 29 at Blaisdell Park in Pearl City for a Schutte 'ohana reunion. For information, eall Lynn Schutte at 864-7326. Shimooka — A family reunion is being organized for the Shimooka 'ohana, Aug. 9. Location is yet to be determined. Look for additional information in upcoming issues, or contact Raymond or Ruth Shimooka at 487-2025. ■