Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 04, 1 April 2003 — Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
What ii the Hawaiian Federal Recognition Bill? How will it affect your family and your future° Will it help the Hawaiian community's journey toward self-determination? Importantly, will it protect hundreds of health, education, housing, jobs, eeonomie development, and arts and culture programs benefiting the Hawaiian community that are currently being challenged in the courts? The Hawaiian Federal Recognition Bill (S. 344) is now before Congress. The bill proposes that Hawaiians be formally recognized as the indigenous people of Hawai'i by the United States. This will reinforce their unique political status and open the door for them to establish their own mechanism of self-governance. T he language in the bill is not final. But with the passage of this bill, Hawaiians will enjoy the same status as other native peoples in the United States who have already received federal recognition. V 1 X our questions — your future. Read the bill on the following pages. Find out the facts about legislation that will affect all of us who eall Hawai'i home.
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A message from4ie Office of Hawaiian Affairs Working for a better Hawai'i www.OHA.org