Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 04, 1 April 2003 — 'ōiwi [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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a native hawaiian journal This month, Ka Wai Ola presents a new collaboration with 'Ōiwi: A Native Hawaiian Journal. Every other month, we will feature writings that have been previousiy published in the literary journal.We also encourage our readers to submit writing to be published in Ka Wai Ola and considered for inclusion in 'Ōiwi. These pages will share words that reflect the inner journey of kanaka maoli at a time of momentous change — ka huliau. Never before has our community needed its artists and visionaries more, to illuminate the way. This first installment honors the life and enduring vision of one of Hawai'i's beloved literary voices of her generation: D. Māhealani Dudoit. The founder of 'Ōiwi died last year, at the age of 48 — just days before the August 30 release of the second edition. Dudoit*s excerpted essay below speaks of finding one's own way of seeing, speaking, thinking, feeling and creating that is rooted in the past but that forges freely into the future. Submit your writings to 'Ōiwi ae P.O. Box 61218, Honolulu, Hl 968391218. For information, eall 956-303 1 or visit www.hawaii.edu/oiwi.

Attending the blrth of 'ŌM are nō luna: (l-r) the late writer/edltor Mōhealani Dudoit, who founded the journal. Chlef Editor Ku'ualoha Ho'omanawanul Meyers and Hawaiian Language Edltor Noelanl Arista.