Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 3, 1 March 2003 — Homestead ads [ARTICLE]

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Homestead ads

Dear editor: Could you please explain the ads placed in OHA paper conceming sale of homestead land? It is understood that the land ean never be sold. How then is it placed for sale? M.K. Keahi Leary Ho'olehua Editor's response: From time to time, other KWO readers have asked the same thing. The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands advises us that, as you correctly note, the land ean not be sold. However, the ads are not selling the land, but a beneficiary's leasehold interest or equity in the property. The same DHHL qualifications and requirements apply to both buyer and seller. This is why we allow beneficiaries to publicize their homestead interestfor sale in KWO.