Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 3, 1 March 2003 — Page 19 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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APPLICATION DEADUNE: Apnl 2, 2003 Scholarship money is availabie for three- and four-year-old keiki to attend eligible preschools*. To be considered for the program, the applicant must meet the following criteria: / Hawai'i resident / Accepted in preschool programs that are qualified by Kamehameha Schools / Must be three or four years old by December 31 st of the year of the award / Demonstrate financial need

Apply for the 2003-2004 academlc year Scholarship applications are available now for the Pauahi Keiki Scholars Program. Please eall our help-line 842-8216 (O'ahu) or 1-800-842-IMUA ext. 8216 (neighbor islands). You ean also visit us at www.ksbe.edu or www.pauahi.org.

Kamehameha Schools A CONTlNUINC COMMlTMF.NT •Proschoote must be aocredited by ttie NaUonal Assodation for the Education o( Young Childien (NAEYC), or be in the process ot achieving NAEYC accreditation, or approved by Kamehameha Schoois' Eaity Childhood EducaUon Dtvisk>n Kamehameha Schools' pollcy is to give preterence to appllcants of Hawalian ancestry to the extant pennitted by law. —
