Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 3, 1 March 2003 — OHA's recent strategic plan activities count significant measurable achievements [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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OHA's recent strategic plan activities count significant measurable achievements

Dante Keala Carpenter Trustee, O'ahu

Aloha mai kākou. In adopting the OHA Strategic Plan 2002-2007, its vision "Ho'oulu Lāhui Aloha: To Raise A Beloved Nation," Goal 1, Advocacy-Native Rights, is a part of that strategic plan. In conjunction with the goal of Advocacy-Native Rights, "By 2007 OHA shall have devised and implemented strategies to protect Native Hawaiian rights and entitlements and secured at least one significant legal outcome; created a legal mechanism to assure a predictable on-going revenue stream from the Public Land Trust; and ensured the settlement of the blood quantum issue." The diligent community resource members who contributed to this goal included Cissy Farm, Māhealani Kamau'u, Alan Murakami, Elmer Ka'ai, Mālia Taum and Dr. Davianna McGregor. Key OHA staff members supporting the working group were Colin Kippen, Pua Aiu and Sharla Manley. In my previous article relating to Goal 6 - Nationhood, the appropriate OHA staff that assisted the Nationhood working group are Jalna Keala, Mark Mararagan and Wayne Kawamura. It was their hard

work that provided the essential tools to complete its mission. Strategy 1: To promote and protect the rights and entitlements ofNative Hawaiians. Activities: • Identify existing rights and entitlements • Make recommendations to the BOT for implementation. Achievements: • September 2002, launeh OHA Hawaiian Rights and entitlements campaign. (Presently under way) • Established education and empowerment team Strategy 2: To obtain at least one significant legal ouleome to benefit the native Hawaiian people. Activities: • Create "legal think tanks" (Legal scholars/advisors to OHA) • Make recommendations to the BOT for implementation. Achievements: • "State Legal Think Tank" organized and met in October 2002. • Demand letters sent to both

outgoing and incoming governors outlining the ceded land payment issue and requesting immediate payment of undisputed amounts. (Governor Lingle and legislative leaders concur) • "National Think Tank "organized and met in January 2003. Strategy 3: To secure a predictable, on-going revenue stream from the Public Land Trust through educating: • State legislators to address the ceded lands issue. • The general public to support restoration of ceded lands revenue to OHA. Activities: • Provide OHA with audit capabilities • Identify and analyze legal impediments • Conform strategies to OHA spending policy • "Full-court" press by OHA of pertinent array of legislative bills Achievements: • Televised Primary and

General election Gubernatorial Forums in September and November 2002. • 1,000 "I SUPPORT HAWAHAN ISSUES AND I VOTE" bumper stickers distributed. • Nā 'Ōiwi 'Ōlino poster, essay, debate contest conducted over a two month period. Final debate and award ceremony held in December 2002. • A new legislators' briefing in December 2002, and combined Legislative briefing and luneheon held Jan. 13, 2003. • Opening Day Rally at the State Capitol Jan. 15, 2003. Strategy 4: To achieve agreement in the Hawaiian community on the issue of blood quantum. Settle the blood quantum issue through the following: • Increasing knowledge base of Native Hawaiians regarding the history and impact of the blood quantum issue; See CARPENTER on page 18

CARPENTER from page 14

• Reducing barriers between Hawaiians with 50 percent blood quantum with those who do not have the quantum requirements; • A resolution of native Hawaiians whieh unites rather than divides the Native Hawaiian Community Activities: • Create a plan for statewide public hearings on blood quantum • Conduct & record public hearings • Compile findings and recommendations to BOT. My staff and I invite you to share your mana'o on the issue of Goal 1 — Advocacy-Native Rights. Contact me at 594-1854. Neighbor islands may eall toll-free at: 974-4000 (Big Island), 984-2400 (Maui), 274-3141 (Kaua'i), 468-4644 (Moloka'i and Lāna'i). A hui hou, aloha pumehana. ■