Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 3, 1 March 2003 — Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Editor's note: Events ofinterest to the Hawaiian community are ineluāeā in the calendar on a space-available basis, and do not constitute endorsement or validation ofthe events or the sponsors by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Note that Hawai'i's area code, 808, is only ineluāeā in nonO'ahu phone numbers.

mation, eali 808-935-3002 or email puatahiti@aol.com Sat, Mar. 15 — "Ahupua'a, 'O'opu and You" Life sustaining waters flow from the mountain to the oeean right through or even under our neighborhoods. Be ready to get wet and wild as we explore the habitat of the 'o'opu. Reservations required! For information, eall Hawai'i Nature Center, 955-0100. Sat., Sun., Mar. 1 5,1 6 — 9th Annual Queen Ka'ahumanu Festival The Festival is highlighted by a kanikapila (jam session) featuring a number of top musical artists from

Fri., Mar. 7 — Hana Hou! The Brothers Cazimero Hawai'i Theatre presents Robert and Roland Cazimero, who specialize in traditional and eontemporary Hawaiian music and dance. Hula legend Leinā'ala Kalama Heine will perform, along with the Royal Dance Company and special guests. 8 p.m. Hawai'i Theatre. $30. For tickets and information, eall 528-0506. Fri., Sat, & Sun., Mar. 14-16 — 4th Annual Tahiti Fete of Hilo See dazzling pcrformances of Taliitian and 0ther Polynesian dance and music cotnpanies from Hawai'i, the contittental U.S., Japau, Tahiti

and Mexico. Join us in this not-to-be forgotten cultural experience. 4-9 p.m. (Fri.), 10-5p.m. (Sat., Sun). Afook-Chinen Civic Auditorium. $12/day, $25/3 days. Visit tbe website: www.tahitifete.com. For infor- — - •«!•«-*- I Nō lelo KaholokO wlll p©fform Momh 22 at Vokx>noes NoUono! Pork.