Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 3, 1 Malaki 2003 — Pauahi Keiki Scholars Program expands, outreach serves more Hawaiian children [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Pauahi Keiki Scholars Program expands, outreach serves more Hawaiian children
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By Jean Luka Editor's note: Jean Luka is on staff at Kamehameha Schools' Comminications Department. In an effort to encourage parents to send their keiki to preschool, the Kamehameha Schools (KS) last year initiated the Pauahi Keiki Scholars (PKS) program and awarded nearly $1 million in scholarships to 198 Hawaiian 4year olds throughout the state. This year, the program has expanded to include three-year old children. The PKS program has enabled KS to expand its reach to more Hawaiian children in areas of need by utilizing eligible, non-KS preschools throughout the state. "The Pauahi Keiki Scholars program was an overwhelming success last year and we are pleased to be able to extend the program to 3-year-olds this year," said Dr. Hamihon McCubbin, chancellor and CEO for the schools. "The program fulfills our strategic goal of providing quality educational programs and services to more people of Hawaiian ancestry. We recognize there is a need for more early childhood education opportunities, especially for Hawaiian families, and we hope to serve many more keiki this year through this wonderful program." It is estimated that there are nearly 10,000 Hawaiian three- and fouryear olds in the state. Currently, preschools run by Kamehameha Schools reach more than 1,200 3and 4-year old students in 72 classrooms at 32 sites across the state. "We want to do all we ean to encourage Hawaiian families to enroll their children in preschool," said Suzanne Ramos, dean of early childhood education for KS. "Pauahi Keiki Scholars helps by providing more Hawaiian families with financial assistance so their children may reap the benefits of a preschool education — something that is so critical to the success of a young child as they begin their formal education," Ramos said. To be eligible for the program,
the applieanl must meet the following criteria: • Hawai'i resident • Accepted in a preschool program that meets criteria established by Kamehameha Schools • Must be three or four years old by December 31 when awarded • Demonstrate financial need Informational workshops held in various locations this month will help parents apply for the scholarship. Preference will be given to keiki who reside in communities where KS preschools or services are not available. Preference will also be given to keiki of Hawaiian ancestry to the extent permitted by law. Applications are available now and the deadline to apply for the program is Apnl 2. To request an applieaūon, eall 842-8216 on O'ahu or 1-800-842-IMUA, ext. 8216 for Neighbor Island residents. Information is also available at www.ksbe.edu or www.pauahi.org. ■