Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 2, 1 February 2003 — Page 20 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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* I Schōlārship money is available to attend eligible colleges

Last year, Kamehameha Schools and Ke Ali'i Pauahi Foundation awarded a total of $15,101,456 to 2,819 college scholarship recipients. Sixty-three percent of the recipients graduated from high schools other than Kamehameha. KAPF scholarship recipient and math teacher Jonathan Kua has a lot more to offer his students than lessons on logarithms— he offers them lessons in life. He teaches his students the importance of staying in school and the value of a college education— using his own life as a lesson plan. After graduating from Hilo High School in 1977, Jonathan worked a series of odd jobs to support his young family. He was a construction worker, a gas station attendant, a f ast food worker, an auto parts salesperson, then store manager. "Even though I worked my way up to manager, I still wasn't happy," said Jonathan. "There was no room for advancement. I thought about going to college, but I wasn't sure if I could do it." A college counselor at the University of Hawai'i at Hilo encouraged Jonathan to apply for a KAPF scholarship. The scholarship he received helped him earn an associate's degree in liberal arts and a bachelor's degree in math. He now teaches at Kea'au High School and is changing young lives for the better. "I tell them, T was like you/ 1 tell them what college did for me," said Jonathan. "1£ Princess Pauahi was here I would tell her 'mahalo .' I owe her a lot."

Apply for the 2003 - 2004 academic year Applications fbr Kamehameha Schools Financial Aiel are available now from Ke Ali'i Pauahi Foundatton, a charitable support organization of Kamehameha Schools. Please contact the Foundation's Financial Aid and Scholarship Services office by calling 842-8216 on O'ahu, or toll free from the neighbor islands at 1 -800-842-4682 extension 821 6. For more information, please visit us at www.pauahi.org. Deadline for receipt of completed applications is May 1, 2003 General eiigibiiity requirements for applicants:* □ Hawai'i resident (required for some scholarships) □ Satisfactory academic performance □ Classified full-time enrollment in an accredited post-high institution □ Financial need *Various other eligibility requirements may apply to individual scholarships. m KE ALI'I PAUAHI FOUNDATION

Kamehameha Schools Kamehameha Schools' and Ke Ali'i Pauahi Foundation's policy is to give preference to £ipplicants of Hawailan ancestry to the extent permitted by law.
