Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 2003 — New year a time to 'seize the moment' [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

New year a time to 'seize the moment'

Oz Stender Trustee, At-large

As the new year begins, we reflect on the good work that was done in 2002 for our OHA 'ohana. We strived to make a better plaee for our Hawaiian families; and as we eontinue to do so, we give thanks to our Heavenly Father for giving us the privilege to do this work. Looking back, we must reflect on those

things that we didn't accomplish because we fell short along the way. We give thanks to the Almighty for giving us a second ehanee. As we celebrate the New Year, we look ahead at the work that must be done and we ask Him to give us the wisdom we need. We ask for His guidance as we walk alongside Him. We ask to partake of His

h divine nature — giving us all dilir. gence. We ask that He add to our r faith virtue; to virtue, knowledge; to knowledge, temperance; to tempere anee, patience; to pahenee, godlie ness; to godliness, brotherly kinde ness; and to brotherly kindness, s charity. We must walk in His shade ow in order to accomplish more. s For our Hawaiian 'ohana, there

has never been a better time than the year 2003. Never before has there been a better time for OHA to "seize the moment." May all of you have a wonderful year and I ask the Lord to bless and keep you in His care. ■