Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 20, Number 1, 1 January 2003 — OHA policies and strategic plan a reflection of hard work and community input [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
OHA policies and strategic plan a reflection of hard work and community input
Dante Keala Carpenter Trustee, O'ahu
Aloha mai kākou. Onee again. it is my distinct pleasure to discuss issues of importance with the Hawaiian Community via the Ka Wai Ola newspaper. lhis time as a duly elected Trustee from O'ahu. As I had shared before. our family traces its Hawaiian roots beyond 1801 to the unions of Kai'o and Kaha'ionakolo at Kōloa, Kaua'i, as well as Papapa and Kamalu Lono at Kalapana. Hawai i. Born and reared on O'ahu, I grew up mostly in Kapahulu, Damon Tract and Kalihi as the second son of Vernon Forest Carpenter of Texas and Louise Pōmaika'i Kakelaka of Honolulu. In respect of the recent elections, I want to thank th'. many individuals, both ethnic H :waiians and nonHawaiians, for exercising your civic responsibility. No job is more important than expressing one's ehoiee by voting for candidates for public office. As one of many candidates, I am grateful for the support received and pledge to work diligently for Hawai'i's people. Having had several other career experiences such as sugar plantalion engineering, military reserve service, elective offices in both policy and administrative positions,
including having served as a former OHA administrator, then as an interim trustee in 2000, provides me a solid background for the myriad tasks ahead. Looking forward, 1 especially want to thank the previous Board ol Trustees for approving the OHA Strategic Plan 2002-2007. Lead Trustees Donald Cataluna and John Waihe'e IV of the core planning group are to be commended for the plan's initiation started with eommunity meetings in 15 locations across Hawai'i. I was privileged in the latter part of 2001 to be a member of tbe Policy Working Group comprised of hard-working volunteers such as Charles Nākoa, former administrator of Queen Lili'uokalani Children's Center, Dr. Kiyoshi Ikeda, University of Hawai'i sociology professor emerims, and former Lt. Governor Jean King. We were ably assisted by Rona Rodenhurst of OHA and project consultant Annelle Amaral. While the final product has been refined for purposes of ease of accomplishment, the following excerpts from the Executive Summary more succinctly reflects the community input.
Policy - Categor\ 1: Community Invol\ ement anei perceptior • develop a policy of kukākūkā for programs. evaluations and agendas • schedule eommunil} meetings at least onee per month • develop protocols for various types of meetings. i.e town hall, community, electronic • develop and enforce trustee / OHA Code of Conduct • facilitate a Hawaiian Ancestry Identity Policy Policy - Category 2: Faciiitation and Evaluation • OHA cannot be all things to all people • facilitate convocation of Hawaiian Trusts leadership, collaborate to better conditions of Hawaiians • "broker" needs by developing partnerships, determine areas of need, seed programs • develop policies for trusts to remain in perpetuity • facilitate "mega" referral agency, meet any Hawaiian need Policy - Category 3: Acquire own Building • purchase land/building
• coordinate like ser\ ces īn facility • provide eommuniU use/meeting space Policy Categun 4 Administrativa Detail hoard Function • clarify missioi and goals • codify admimstrative pohcies tegarding staff Timely development of relevant policies is necessary for the successful implementation of the Strategic Plan. The 10 Categories. including Advocacy-Native Rights, Culture, Eeonomie Development, Education, Environment-Natural Resources, Nationhood, Policy, Social Services, Land & Housing to Health are listed in the order of community priority and value assignment. My staff assistants Sesnita Moepono and Merlyn Akuna are both eapahle individuals. We invite your advice and counsel as we embark on our first year of service to the Hawaiian Community. We extend our best wishes to you all for a healthy and prosperous new year. Aloha. ®