Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 12, 1 December 2002 — Looking for Kona families descendants [ARTICLE]
Looking for Kona families descendants
Iam seeking infonnation on the descendants of Kanika, who had three mairiages. Her first husband was Puhalahua, and her s econd husband was Kumaku (aka Ku) Kukahi Kinimaka, all from Kona, Hawai'i. I am especially interested in any information about her third husband who was John Smith. Kanika married Smith on Dec. 30, 1886 inHonolulu. Kanika died in Hokukano, north Kona in 191 8. Kanika's parents are Naea (k) and Kahinawe (w) of Nāpo'opo'o, South Kona. Kanika's grandparents were Keaweaheulu (k) and Kauhewea (w). Keaweaheulu was also the great-grandfather of Kalākaua and Lili'uokalani, et al. I am also seeking information on the descendants of Henry Clarke, who was also known as Ka'elemakule. The name was given to him by DavidLeleo Kinimaka. Henry Clarke's first marriage was to Kahikolu, who was also known as Kahaku. They had a daughter, Kaehamalaole. His second marriage was to Keaka-o-na-ali'i, who was of the Kinimaka lineage. They had one issue who went by the name of John Ka'elemakule, ofKona, Hawai'i. Henry Clarke was murdered in 1866.
Henty Clarke owned several land grants andhis descendants are heirs to these lands. One of these parcels is being taigeted for development and the developer has already acquired some permits. A valid is sue currently exists as to the legality of the disposition of Clarke's estate upon his death, thus, questioning the validity of the developer's ownership in the subject property. A quiet title action has never been performed on any of his properties and the developer purchased the subject property with no clear title, only title insurance. I humbly ask for an expeditious reply from any descendant of Heniy Clarke, a.k.a. Ka'elemakule, from his marriages to Kahikolu and Keaka-o-na-ali'i so we ean work together to protect and preserve the 'āina of our 'ohana. Please contact me at 808-328-2074, or writeto: 86-3672 Government Main Road, Captain Cook, HI 96704, or email nellie88@hotmail.com. Clarence A. Medeiws Jr Kealakekua
Leka Kālele ]