Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2002 — Media awardees [ARTICLE]
Media awardees
The recipients of the Pacific Islanders in Communications (PIC) VIedia Fund 2002 Awards will be awarded grants totalling more than $184,000. Eight dramatic and documentaiy programs intended for national public television will benefit from the PIC production and post-production grants. The awardees are: Visoni Hereniko and Jeanette Paulsen Hereniko for "The Land Has Eyes"; Ferne Pearlstein and Robert Edwards for Sumo East and West," on the world of sum o, featuring Hawai'i's own sumotori of Hawaiian and Samoan descent; VIaiy "Tuti" Baker and the Hawai'i Allianee for Arts Education for "King Kamehameha: A Legacy Renewed," on the Kohala community's effort to conserve the statue of the great king; Shane Seggar for "Le Afi Ua VIu: The Fire Is Burning" on Samoa gangs; VIatt Yamashita for 'Kukui o VIoloka'i" on an outriggerteam's preparation for the VIoloka'i Channel race; Kanalu Young and VIarlene Booth for "Pidgin: Language and Culture in Hawai'i"; Dan Taulapapa VIcVIullin, "The Shark in the Woods" on historic changes in Samoa; and S. Leo Chiang for "Ukulele VIan" on 94-year old lVing cultural treasure Bill Tapia. PIC is a national non-profit media organization based in Honolulu that was created to support and increase the development of nahonal public broadcast programming by and about Pacific Islanders. To learn about grant and training opportunities, visit www. piccom.org. (Editor's note: The deadline for submissions for PIC's Short Film Initiative is Jan. 3, 2003. See ad on pg. 8.) ■