Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2002 — Kauakükalahale [ARTICLE]
For the first time in over 60 yeam the Hawaiian language has found a home in a widely circulated newspaper on weekly basis. The Hawaiian eolumn, called Kauakukalahale, debuted on Oct. 27 and will be featured every Sunday on page A-2 of the Honolulu Star-
Bulletin. The name Kauakukalahale refers to the rain that falls on the roofs of all the homes in our island ehain. The eolumn, whieh is part of Univemity of Hawai'i President Evan Dobelle's Initiative for Achieving Native Hawaiian Academic Excellence at UH-Mānoa, is written entirely in Hawaiian, with a brief synopsis in English at the beginning. The eolumn is the result of the resilience of Laiana Wong and Kekeha Solis, two Hawaiian instructom at the unVersity, working togethar with Frank Bridgewater, managing editor of the Star-Bulletin. "Our goal was to create a new contemporary body ofliterature inHawaiian," Wong said. Wong saidhe envisions Kauakukalahale to be a mini newspaper in itself, touching on a broad range of genera. The eolumn has already livedup that vision covering topics from the UH Wahine volleyball team to a new CD release. Wong said writers will change from week to week, the goal being to have a wide spectrum of points of v iew.