Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 2002 — ʻAha ʻŌpio o OHA [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
ʻAha ʻŌpio o OHA
I attended 'Aha 'Opio o OHA on the summer of 2001. I had the opportunity to participate in this program and eacounter many new experiences. I was offered the ehanee to learn about the legislative process and how many important issues of our state are addressed and assessed. Not only did I learn about the process, I was able to go through almost exactly what our state leaders go through. We were taught to respect our environmentbecause we were inthe actual facility that our leadere perform their business. The first day I was nervous because we were reminded to really be on our best behavior. We all walked in single file down the curved stairs. I could see all the desks and the podium that was somewhat intimidating. Not many juniois in high school get to say that they've sat in the House of Representatives and got to argue a bill that they proposed. Not only did the experience teach the legislative process, the discipline all together ean be used in other future s ituations. 'Aha 'Opio o OHA was a cherished experience and shouldn't be eliminated. I know this was a very exciting week for me and I hope others ean still experience what I've had a ehanee to go through. Kelson Hoomano Pakele Via the īn ternet
Ka Lfo Kaīatit.ti