Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 11, 1 November 2002 — LEKA Kälele KWO FOODS LETTER [ARTICLE]

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Mauna Kea mismanagement and the 'threat' ofhuman activity

We are concerned by the recent "survey" issued by the OfFice of Mauna Kea Management (OMKM). In 1998, the Auditor's Ofīice issued a critical report outlining 30 years of mismanagement of Maima Kea by the University. In response, the university created the OMKM. This "survey" looks simple at first. Careful review, however, reveals something veiy scary. In short, the survey suggests that inorderto "preventmore damage to the area ... andprotectMauna Kea's spirituality" in the name of "public safety" the university should (1) gate off the road, (2) regulate public access, and (3) charg e the public a fee. The survey suggests that "human activities" are the cause of damage toMauna Kea They suggestthe publie is to blame. Are the snowboarders, hikers or people that bring snow down for the children eveiy winter to blame for the damage done to Mauna Kea? Isn't astronomy a "human activity ?" The public is not using

hazardous materials andintroducing thousands ofgallons of human sewage into the ground, nor did they cause the decline of the Wēkiu bug by 99.7 percent. A public fee? The Mauna Kea Road was funded by the tax payers not the university or the International Astronomy Corporations that pay only $1 per year in lease rents. Public safety? In the past, whenthey closedthe road astronomers and their families were granted access while the loeal people where not. Are astronomers super- hum an s bey ond p ubli e s a fety ? I worked atop Mauna Kea for 12 years. Mauna Kea is a temple. Ke Akua decides who goes to Mauna Kea, not the astronomers, President Dobelle or anyone else. Don't let them block your access! Write to: Mr. Bill Stormont, The Office of Mauna Kea Management, 200 W. Kāwili St., Hilo, HI 96720. Kealoha Pisciotta President, Mauna Kea Anaina Hou