Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 2002 — 2002 NOWEMAPA NOVEMBER CALENDAR OF EVENTS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Events ofinterest to the Hawaiian community are included in the calendar on a space-available basis, and do not constitute endorsement or validation of the events or the sponsors by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Hawai'i's area code, 808, is only included in non-O'ahu phone numbers.
Fri., Nov 1 — Ho'ike hula
" Mōhala Mai: To Blossom Forth " The importance of ali'i wāhine, their achievements and their mana,
is vividly displayed through hula by Kumu Hula Nāpua Greig's Hālau Nā Lei Kaumaka o Uka on Maui. 7:30 p.m. Maui Arts and Cultural Center, Castle Theatre, Tickets are $25. For information, eall the MACC Box Office 808-242-7469.
Fri.-Sun., Nov. 1-3 — Hawaiian Symphony
Elizabeth Kapu'uwailani Lindsey's documentary film about the histoiy of native Hawaiians, "And Then There Were Non q" is pres ented f or the first time in symphonic foim by The Honolulu Symphony and the Hawaii International Film Festival. Fri., at 8 p.m., Sun., at 4 p.m. Blaisdell Concert Hall. Season ticket paekages offered. Call Honolulu Symphony Ticket Ofīice 808-792-2000.
Fri. -Sun., Nov. 1-10 Hawai'i International Film Festival
The Hawai'i International Film Festival will show over 100 fea~ tures, shorts and documentaries over ten days throughout the state. HIFF's 22nd year promises to be one of its best yet, featuring Ihe most striking films from Asia, Ihe Pacific Rim and the entire world. Nov. 1-10 on O'ahu, Nov. 8 -10 on Maui, Kaua'i, Moloka'i and Hawai'i Island. For more information, eall 528-3456, or e-mail info@hiff.org, or go online to HIFF.org.
Hiurs.-Sat.. Nov. 7-9 - llth Annual World Invitational Hula Festival
11 E Ho 'i Mai I Ka Piko ," the 1 1 th Annual World Invitational Hula Festival brings together halau hula from Illinois, Mexico, Japan, Guam, ihe VIarianas, Nevada, California and Hawai'i to celebrate hula and Hawaiian language at ihe Waikiki Shell. Hālau hula will perform in categories consisting of combined (male and female), kāne (male), wāhine (female), kāne solo and wahinesolo, in both traditional and contemporaiy hula. Judging will be done by 21 Hawaiian mas~ J
ters and kumu hula, experts
in ev ery aspect of h u 1 a , music, ; 1 a n ~ guag e, leis and
adornments and cos~ * tum.es. Gates
David La'amea Kalākaua, seventh sovereign of the Hawaiian Kingdom, was bornNov. 16, 1836, andruLed from 1874 until his death in San Francisco in 1 89 1 . Guava Graphics īmage.
open at 5 pm on Thurs. Ticket prices range from $25 -$5 (general admission on the lawn). Buy tickets at the Blaisdell Box Office or Ticketplus outlets. For information, eall George Vmcent at 735-7950.
Nov. 7 ~Dec. 8 — Hawaiian Historicai Drama
The religious landscape of Hawai'i was forever ^
a 1 t e r e d when
Mlō'iwahine K a' ahum anu
was baptized m the 1 9th century. "The
Conversion of Ka ahu - manu ," is Ka'ahumanu's story lof her religious con,''ersion and
19 beffiendmg missionaiy wives Sybi 1 Bingham and Lucy P^hirreton. Thurs., Fn., and Sat., at 8 p.m; Sun., at 2 p.m. Kumu Kahua Theatre. For information, eall 536-4441.
Fri.~Sun., Nov. 8-10 — Keiki hula
"Hula o nā keiki: Hula of the ehildren." The 12th annual hula festival competition, whieh includes Maui's only children's solo hula eompeūtion. This year, the event will be held at Kā'anapali Beach Hotel on Maui, bringing together the best hula students from around the state. For information, eall Luana m Pa'ahana at 808-667-0101 .
Fri., Nov. 8 — EiHo'alu
'Ukulele and Slack Key Guitar MIastere in Concert." Ukulele and ki hō 'alu masteis Jake Shimabukuro, Gordon Mark , Ozzie Kotani and Hawaici island's legendary Led Ka'āpana showcase their extraordinary talents in concert. Stick around after ihe concert for three days of workshops and kanikapila. Kahilu Theatre in Waimea. Tickets are $14- $2 8. For infoimation, eall Kahilu Theatre Box OfFice 808-885-6868.
Sat., Nov. 16 — King Kalakaua's Birthday
JoinThe Friends of 'Iolani Palaee as they celebrate the birthday of King Kālakaua. Enjoy the Royal Hawaiian Band and experience the changing of the guard. 'Iolani Palaee will be decorated to eommemorate the King's jubilee. Mid day. lolani Palaee. Admission is free. For information, eall 5381471.
Sun., Nov. 17 — Kaumakapili Church benefit
Kaumakapili Church 2002 Capital Campaign Fund Drive Dinner. Spend a wonderful evening in celebration of the Kaumakapili Church. Enjoy 'ono food andhelp raise money for the restoration of this church sanctuary, whieh was builtin 1911. Sun., 5-9 p.m. Royal Hawaiian Hotel Monarch Room. $65 per person, corporate-spon-sored tables also available. For information, eall 8 45-0908 .
Tues., Nov. 19 — Kupuna Series
Celebration of Kupuna Series featuring Kawika Kapahulehua. The public is invited to listen to this native Hawaiian speaker from Ni'ihau tell mo'olelo of the northwest Hawaiian islands. He is an accomplished sailer and was the captain of Hōkūle'a's first voyage to Tahiti in 1976. 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Bishop Museum's Atherton Hālau. For information, eall 848-4191. ■
Ka Wai Ola o OHA accepts information on special events throughout the islands that are of interest to the Hawaiian community. Fund-raisere, benefit concerts, cultural activiti.es, sports e\fents and the like are what we'd like to help you promote. Send information and color photos to Ka Wai Oia o OHA 71 1 Kapi'olani Blvd., Ste. 500 Honolulu, HI 96813-5249
A^aiiouĀ' artists: " Aloha Festival Hawaiian Falsetto Contest Winners IIT — Falsetto aficionado Frank B. Shaner and Aloha Festivals presents artists including Lopaka Kanahele, Bulla Ka'iliwai and Cody Pueo Pata. Produced by Hula Records.
3vIoana Chang: "Boat Days in Hawai T — Aunty Moana Chang and friends share classics like " 'Ālika " Pua Be StilC " Kuhiau" and "Kaloaloa." The Boat Days-themed projects salutes a bygone era of hula and music still very popular. Produced by Hula Records.
Vtrious artists: " Hawaiian Style i" — This grouping of artists range fiom the less-known Kulana, Loeal Jamm and Junior Maile, to the mega-popular Mana'o Company, Ho'onu'a and Justin. PiDduced by Neos Productions.
Solanna: " Solannēf — This talented contemporary artists, Solanna Duque, is a great song writer with originals like " īake Me Down "Eternally," and "Onee Again." Damon Williams is among guest aitists. Produced by Second City Entertainment.