Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 11, 1 November 2002 — Hawaiʻi State Art Musem opens Nov. 3 in Honolulu [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Hawaiʻi State Art Musem opens Nov. 3 in Honolulu
ByManu Boyd £ I i niieheā by Diversity is tb Ē~~f theme for the inaugural exhibit i / at the brand~new Hawaici State Art VIuseum3 "HiSAM" located at No. 1 Capitol District at the corner of Hotel and Richard streets. The public collection3 managed by ihe State Foundation on Culture and ihe Arts' Art in Public Places program3 includes 5,000 works of art by 1,400 artists ranging from contemporary sculptures and paintings to traditional Hawaiian pieces acquired through the innovative 1967 "percent for art law." That measure, signed into law by Gov. John Burns, sets aside one parcentof ihe cost of state buildings to acquire and commission works of art that enhanee and beautify public places. Today, 500 offices and pub~ lie venues feature art from ihe collection in
i what ihe SFCA dubs a "museum without walls." I The new permanent venue at ihe former Armed I Services YM1CA building in Downtown Honolulu was made possible by ihe support of Gov. Ben Cayetano and ihe Hawai'i State Legislature. An array of artists are represented through ihe I 3 60 p i ee e s in " Enriche d by Di versi ty ," i nel u ding I such Native Hawaiian artists as Sean Browne, I Ka'ili Chun, Kapulani Landgraf, Wright I Bowman Sr. and Rocky Jensen. To kiek off ihe Nov. 3 grand opening, ihe I capitol district will eome alive wilh visual and I performing artists in an unprecedented festival I extending from ihe Honolulu Academy of Arts I on Beretania Street to Hawai'i Theatre. Festival I activities include toum of Washington Plaee, ihe I Vlission Houses Vluseum, ihe State Capitol, ihe | Judiciary History Center and 'Iolani Palaee. See HiSAM on page 14
Hanana Kuīkawā
Exhibit galleries at the HiSAM are open Tues. - Fri., 10 a.m.~4 p.m. and are free to the public. Photo: sfca
MUSEUM from page 8 Live performances by the Hawai'i Opera Theatre, Iona Contemporary Dance Theatre and stoiytelling by Glen Grant will add to the event. "The Hawai'i State Art VIuseum belongs to the people of Hawai'i. Our hope is that children and all the people of Hawai'i will take pride and an active role in their museum," said SFCA Chair VIona Abadir. The State Foundation on Culture and the Arts, established in 1 965, has as its mission, "to promote, perpetuate, preserve and encourage culture and the arts, history and the humanities as central to the quality of life of the people of Hawai'i." The HiSAM will open all day Nov. 1 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Regular houm for the museum will be Tues.-Sat., 10 a.m.-4 pm. Admission is free. For additional information, eall HiSAM information at 586-0900, or visit online at www.state.hi.us/sfca. ■