Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 11, 1 November 2002 — Native health grant [ARTICLE]

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Native health grant

The Univarsity of Hawai'i at Mlānoa won a $4.5 million fedaral grant that will establish a position that will manage research into Native Hawaiian health problems through the John A. Burns School of MIedicine. The Nahonal Institutes of Health grant will be released in three $1 .5 million increments for the new position, the chair for Native Hawaiian Center of Excellence at the school's Native Hawaiian Center of Excellence. The chair will directresearch into a variety of health problems eoncerning Native Hawaiians such as heart disease, mental health problems and domestic violence. Benjamin Young, the Center of Excellence director said he hopes the pos ition within a year according to a Honolulu Advertiser article on Sept. 29. "Hawaiians die at a younger age than many other groups, and more Hawaiians die of cancer that any othar ethnic group," Young said. Since 1991 the NatMe Hawaiian Center of Excellence has been improving the health of Native Hawaiians through research, education, service and training of Native Hawaiians inmedicine.