Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 10, 1 October 2002 — Hirono, Lingle on HAWAIIAN ISSUES [ARTICLE]
Hirono, Lingle on HAWAIIAN ISSUES
For tlie first time in Hawai'i's history, tlie race for tlie state's top post brings two wonien from vastly different backgrounds to tlie General Election Ballot. Mazie Hirono immigrated to Hawai'i trom Japan as a child, worked her way up lioin poverty to the halls ol' power, serving as a legislator ihen lieiitenant govemor. Missouri native Linda Lingle anived in Hawai'i in 1976, following her tather who established the Cutter car dealership ehain here, to become a joumalist, Maui eouneil member and Maui County mayor. These two top gubeniatorial eontenders seek your vote — but where do tliey stand on Hawaiian issues? Here are their own words;[as excerpted from public fonmis, cali||aign mat£fials and tlie OHA's stiiewide i candidates siirvey. .i ■