Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 2002 — You may be asking - Why votefor Charlie Nīlkoa as OHA trustee? [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

You may be asking - Why votefor Charlie Nīlkoa as OHA trustee?

Ihe issues facing the Hawaiian people and the OfTice of Hawaiian Affatrs such as ceded lands and services OHA 's benefīciaries need have been discussed over and over. the various alternatives have been outlined, but we are not moving forward because the process hinders progress. Many whom 1 have talked with are tired of the in-fighting. This strife hurts our efforts as Hawaiians to be recognized and respected. They want ehange where the Trustees ean work together as one. Over the years 1 have worked to bring people together as one, to support and care for what will be the future generations of Hawaii, our children. Finding that eommon ground that will unile us as one ean be difftcult but not impossibie. I will use my skiiis and experiences to help the Trustees of the <)ffice of Hawaiian Affairs wrork as a team. lt needs to be united behind a cause and a strategy that will secure the future of Hawaiians. I believe I ean help to make this positive change.

I ask for your support and your vote on November 5! Please cast one of your three votes for Trustee-At-Large for me. ChaHie Nākoa. There is no one better qualificd for the Office of llawaiian Affairs Trustccsl»p tfian Charlie Nākoa. For lliirty \cars, he has heen en(rusted with ihe lives of thnusands «f llawaiian childrcn as a social worktr and executive director «f Qtieen Lili'uokalani Children's Cetiter before retiring in 1998. C'harlie Nākoa has ihe experience and know-hoo to help lmprovc the oullook not oniy of llawaiians but aiso for the community as a whole. Phone: (808)291-1003 Web Site: www.nakoafbroha.com E-inail: kakooiii! nakoafo roha.com Patd forby: Kāko'oNākoa Committee, 1806 Manaiki Plaee, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96819