Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 2002 — HO'OHUT 'OHANA [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


E nā 'ohana Hawai 'i: If you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka W ai Ola o OHA will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis. Send your information to OHA (address on page 18) or email to OHA2002@aloha.net. E ola nā mamo a Hāloa!

Ho'ohuli/Pa'ahao — Descendants of Ho'ohuli Pa'ahao and Pua Kahiewalu are scheduling areunion next summer, July 10-13, 2003. If you are connected to this family or would like additional information, eall Joe and Noe Ho'ohuli at 6681527 or email lhoohuli@aol.com Kahihikolo — A reunion will be heldNov. 20-30, for the family of the late Joseph Kahihikolo and Ho'opi'i Nae'ole Kahihikolo (first marriage); and Joseph and Annie Kealoha Lapaku Kahihikolo (second marriage). For information, eall Ellen Luta at 808-885-4935 or Cell 808-936-301 1; Carol Scott at 808-961-5459 or email scotrodg@gte.net. Mahi'ai — A reunion is being planned for the descendants of

Samuel Kahope Nlahi'ai, born Oct. 12, 1891, through offspring of his two wives, Rose Ka'ililaulani Nāmilimili (b. VIarch 1 0, 1896) and Agnes Koloa Nlauna (b. VIarch 23, 1912). Planning meetings are held the second Saturday of eaeh month. For meeting locations, eall Harriet K. VIahi cai at 696-7232 or 294-0836 (c> Nāmu'o / Simerson — We are planning our 2003 family reunion on O'ahu. If you are somehow eonnected with John William Nāmu'o and Helen Harriet (Hattie) Simerson (other ancestors: John Kama Nāmu'o, Julia Kahaleula (Keaakui) Kuahine, Kuahine Keaakui, Kahinawe Nahaa) and wish to be on our reunion mailing list or would like to participate in the planning of the reunion, contact Lora Kanno at

lkanno@hawaii.rr.com or write to P.O. Box 4937, Kāne'ohe, HI 96744. Poaipuni / Pu'upu'u Nahuawai Kauaua — A 2003 reunion is planned on VIaui, Aug. 29-31 . We are looking for information on families of the Poaipuni, 'Aipu'upu'uimuaona-leolana-ali'i-Kauaua (a.k.a Pu'upuli Nahuawai kauaua). If you have family information, we would appreciate you contacting reunion president Geri Ku'ulei Kalawai'ā, 808-878-3420 (days, VIon.-Fri.), or write to P.O. Box 904, Kula, HI 96790. Waiki'ki' neighbors of the 1930s — The Waiki'ki'Neighbom ofthe 1930s '40s and '50s are planning a second reunion on Sat., Nov. 30 at Paradise Park's Weekend Brunch, 10:30

a.m.-2 p.m. As many of us are kūpuna, children and/or grandchildren could make arrangements to drive, or take The Bus #5 to Paradise Park. Call Kina Fernandez at 239-7531 or Nancy Fujioka at 247-1933 for reservations . Neighbors included such families as Akaka, Akeo, Aoki, Bishaw, DeFries, DeVIatta/Kiakahi, DeRego, Donnelly, Ellis, Ewaliko, Froiseth/Downing, Hoke, Houghtailing, Hunt, Jackson/Bader, Joy, Kaawakauo, Kaeo, Kahele, Kaleikini, Karratti, Kelley, Kosaki, Lau, Liu, Lorch, VIakuakane, VIanu, VIcComber, VIiki/Carroll, VIossman, Natto, Nieola, Nishimura, Ornelles, Padeken, Parker, Punohu/Joy, Richards, Robinson, StewartA<Vhite, Takara, Takeuchi, Williams, Yamashiro, Yamashita and many more. ■
