Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 2002 — Candidate Questions Q&A Election 2002 [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Candidate Questions Q&A Election 2002

%•■ /JVJ M k ■# ĒĒĒ^^m // m^^Ēi / ^ĒĒ^m /£nV / JuufV // .- F '?v / #^k3t^Y * M mf^^m ■<? / ^Ēk/^Ē^^^^M ^''Āk Ē ^KĒĒ^^i -i1 ĒKMĒ^^Ēm :H Ē , JsĒitĒKm -fĒf ^Ē/^^K pj--''/ #^P*l^r ^ A? # JErakj.aBI wm^Ē ē*' $pfMĒmi / A^Kl/^ /JBBBBĒ BBmf/f//ĒBĒ ' /MmĀ/* /JBBBĒ J®W $ /&'£/£ĒĒĒJ ■*£ /ĒĒĒ^Ī * £- /nBrW ^s/5#^^1V wjs # '*&&• w Ēux&Fi& WKm v/,/|n « īĒffM, ffJ//mSm wmii /WmMA /ēēēēi*īēēēē Ē^3^4M5ĪgM7M^

1gB3gg^M(R) PRENDERGAST, Chris Yes Both Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (D) TAKUMI, Roy M. w Yes Uncertain Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (D) BEAMER, Kekua | Yes Both Yes Yes Yes | Yes Yes (R) ONTAI, Guy P. * No Response 38^ (R) ISHITLAWA, Gary No Response (D) LEE, Marilyn B. " | Uncertain Back Pay Yes Yes Yes | Y es Yes 39^ (R) JENKINS, Cynthia J. No Response (D) OSHIRO, Marcus R. * No Response 40^ (R) M0SES, Mark * No Response ( D ) TIMS0N, Maeda C. No Response 41^ (D) KARAMATSU, Jon Riki | Yes | Both | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes 42^ (R) JIMENEZ, Alfonso | No Response (D) TAMAY0, Tulsi Gabbard| Yes | Both Yes Yes Yes | Yes Yes 43^ (D) MIND0, RomeoVl $lcmy) No Response (R) SMITH, Pam Lee No Response (R) AWANA, Karen L. | Yes | Both | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes (D) KAHIKINA, Miehael * | No Response 45^ (R) AUWAE, Emily J. Daniel * Yes Restore Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (D) SHIMABUKURO, Maile Yes Both Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (D) MAGA0AY, Miehael Y. ;|:| No Response (R) PHILIPS, Carol Anne | Yes | Both Yes Yes Uncertain | Yes Yes (R) MEYER, Colleen R. * Yes Yes Yes Yes Uncertain Yes Yes (N) NALUAI, D. Keala (3ctte) Yes Both Yes Yes Uncertain Yes Yes (D) 0KUDA, George No Response (D) IT0, Ken * | Yes Uncertain Yes Yes Yes | Uncertain Uncertain (R) MOKU, Sam | No Response (D) M0RITA, Clyde Ben Yes Back Pay Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (R) PENDLETON, Da\dd A. * Yes Back Pay Yes Uncertain Uncertain Yes Yes (D) JERVIS, A\ds Alokele | No Response (R) THIELEN, C)iithia * | Yes | Both Yes Yes Yes | Yes Yes (R) G0MES, Joe * Yes Bodi Yes Yes Yes Yes NO (D) WATERS, Tommy Yes Both Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

1) Do you feel Hawaiians should be compensated for the public's use of ceded lands? 2) In light of the fact that OHA has not received ceded lands revenue since Sept. 12, 2001, do you feel OHA should receive back payment, immediate restoration of payment, or both? 3) Does the state have a responsibility to its natke people in relation to rights and entitlements? 4) Do you believe Native Hawaiian rights differ from racial preference? 5) American Indians and ,Alaska Natives have federal recognition by law as native people. Do you support federal recognition for Native Hawaiians? 6) Do you favor immediate negotiations with the state and Hawaiians over ceded lands revenue due/settlement? 7) If a realistic settlement or new statutory authority cannot be reached, do you support an interim revenue measure to show good faith toward what is due Hawai'i's indigenous people?