Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 10, 1 October 2002 — Candidate Questions &Election 2002 [ARTICLE]
Candidate Questions &Election 2002
/lj .*? /M^ĒM / i īf / //^^^/ WIlĒW WMS f ImĒK * i/I^mk / /isiS HwK^H ■?-'4.,f Ē M -» ĒmĒĒ^WL .£>' Ē M]FĒjjW\ WĒlM, .>' <■ ,v /mimk / ĪĒĒsmk h fmTW 'wmam iw/m» i f«W i, //illiM Mf//mĒĀff /jm ft fjBm | ĒĒMi?*;.IĒĒĒktS /āĒĒ om /Mmi Iēmw *rfīāBM /d^SS^Ēs/Ē^^-
* Incumbent / /
(D) HIR0N03 Mazie K. Yes Uncertain Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (R) LINGLE3 Linda Yes Both Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (R) AIONA, James R. (Duke) Yes Both Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (D) MATSUNAGA, Matt Yes Bodi Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (R) CLARKE3 Ohuek Yes Both Yes Yes Yes Uncertain Yes (D) INOUYE, Iorraine Rodero Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes (G) AIPIA, Kahealanika'uleialoha Yes Both Yes Yes Uncertain | Yes Yes (L) BOSWELL, Pat P. Yes Yes No Response (R) EVANS, Roger B. No Response (D) KOKUBUN, Russell S. Yes Boft Yes Yes Yes | Yes Yes T|SBBI^ (D) ISBELL, Virginia No Response (R) WHALEN, Paul C. No Response T"^ (D)TSUTSUI,ShanS. | No Response 5~^ (D) BAKER, Roz | Yes Back Pay Yes Yes Yes | Yes Yes (R) COUCH, Pon | No Response 6^ (D)ENGLISH, J. Kalam \ Yes | Ēōūh | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes 7^ (R) HOLT, Rosie Y'es Both Yes Y'es Yes | Y'es Yes (D)HOOSER, GaryL. | No Response 8^ (D) KAGAWA, Frances Yes Both Yes Yes Yes Yes No Response (R) SLOM, Sam Yes Both Yes Yes Uncertain Yes Yes (R) HAYES, Gladys Gerlich No Response (D) IHARA, Les Jr No Response (D)TANIGUCHI, Bnan T. No Response (R) CHOI, Casey | No Response (D)FUKUNAGA, Carol | Yes Back Pay Yes Yes Yes | Yes Yes (R) TRIMBLE, Gordon M. No Response (D) YOSHIMURA, Jon No Response
1) Do you feel Hawaiians should be compensated for the public's use of ceded I lands? 2) In light of the fact that OHA has not received ceded lands revenue since Sept. 112, 2001, do you feel OHA should recewe back payment, immediate restoration of payment, or both? 3) Does the state have a responsibility to its native people in relation to rights and entitlements? 4) Do you believe Native Hawaiian rights differ from racial preference? 5) American Indians and eAlaska Natives have federal recognition by law as native people. Do you support federal recognition for Natwe Hawaiians? 6) Do you favor immediate negotiations with the state and Hawaiians over ceded lands revenue due/settlement? 7) If a realistic settlement or new statutory authority cannot be reached, do you support an interim revenue measure to show good faith toward what is due Hawai'i's indigenous people?