Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 10, 1 October 2002 — Meet OHA candidates [ARTICLE]
Meet OHA candidates
NEWSBRIEFS from page 3
The 23 candidates vying for seats on ihe OHA Board of Trustees will share their views at a public forum Tues., Oct. 22, 6 p.m., at the State Capitol Auditorium. This e\'ent marks ihe third candidates forum this eleehon season sponsored by ihe Ocahu Council of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs. In September, ihe eouneil successfully
eom'eneh candidates for governor and lieutenant governor, posing questions on an array of Hawaiian issues. The eouneil considered sponsoring another gubernatorial forum for ihe general election but, according to its legislative affaiis committee chair Kina'u Boyd Kamalil, "No one else to our knowledge is focusing on ihe OHA trustee candidates." Three at~large seats and ihe O'ahu and VIaui seats make up ihe See NEWSBRIEFS on page 16
NEWSBRIEFS from page 3 five open spots on OHA's nine-membar board. For additional information, contact Kamalici at 941-4946.