Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 10, 1 October 2002 — Klein board counsel [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Klein board counsel
The Board of Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs unanimously selected Retired Hawai'i Supreme Court Justice Robert Klein as its new board counsel. "We are confident that the
expertise of Justice Robert Klein will serve the board well," said OHA Chairperson Haunani Apoliona." The Native Hawaiian attorney, a partner with the Honolulu law firm of VIcCorriston VIiller VIukai VIacKinnon LLP, succeeds outgoing board counsel Shemy Broder, who has served the OHA board since 1986.
Broder did not reapply for the position when her contract expired June 30. Klein sarved as Seuior Associate Justice of the Hawai'i Supreme Court from 1 992
- 2000 following a 1 4-year career as a trial court jurist. He drafted the Supreme Court's landmark PASH Decision (Public Access Shoreline Hawai'i) in 1995, whichupheld the reasonable exercise of traditional and customary Native Hawaiian rights by requiring public agencies to hold public contested case hearings in any of its permitting actions. See NEWSBRIEFS on page 16