Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 10, 1 October 2002 — OHA forum Nov. 1 [ARTICLE]
OHA forum Nov. 1
OHA has scheduled a second gubernatorial forum for Fri., Nov. 1, 6 p.m., at the Imin Center (fomerly Jefferson Hall) at the Univeisity of Hawai'i East-West Center. Front-running governor and lietenant govnernor candidates have been invited to participate. At press time, all participants were not yet confirmed. The OHA 2002 Gubenatorial Forum, held Sept. 9 at the university's Campus Center Ballroom, drew 350 community membeis who heard the mana'o of the Primaiy Election candidates on Hawaiian issues. The Nov. 1 forum will be an even more indepth look at the top candidates. For event updates and confirmation, eall OHA at 594-1888 or visit online at wvw.OHA.org. 99