Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 9, 1 September 2002 — 2002 KWO Readership Survey Results [ARTICLE]

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2002 KWO Readership Survey Results

In the July issue, we published our annual Ka Wai Ola o OHA Readership Survey soliciting input from our readership on the monthly publication of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. We greatly appre - ciate all the responses we received, including asampling of comments featured on the nextpage. Your input helps guide the look and content o/Ka Wai Ola o OHA. You, the reader, are our most valued customer. Mahalo for the constructive criticism and excellent suggestions for improving editorial. Onee again, the iespondent group with the highest percentage were female kupuna. A significant num - ber of respondents, 1 7 percent, elaim residency outside of the State of Hawai 'i, but the vast majority of of respondents, 44 percent, werefrom O'ahu, the largest geographic region of our readership. Hawai'i island is second, with 20 percent of respondents. Our readers continue to value Ka Wai Ola o OHA as vital to meeting their information a needs. In addition, KWO received high marks for appearance and content. Mahalo nui foryour input. E heluhelu mai ...

1. On whieh island do you live? 1. Hawai'i 20% 2. Kaua'i 8% 3. Lāna'i 0% 4. Maui 9% 5. Moloka'i 2% 6. O'ahu 44% 7. Out of state or none of the above 17% 2. What is your gender? 1 . Female 60% 2. Male 40% 3. What is your age? 1. Under 18 0% 2. 18-28 4% 3. 29-36 6% 4. 37-47 12% 5. 48-60 28% 6. Kupuna 49% 4. What is your education Ies el? 1 . Not a high school graduate 7% 2. High school graduate or equivalent 21% 3. High school graduate with some college 41% 4. Ooll^e graduate (BA/BS d^ree) 17% 5. Master's degree or higher 14% 5. What is your Hawaiian blood quantum? 1 . 50 percent or more 49% 2. Less than 50 percent 39% 3. None 11% 6. How would you describe your command of the Hawaiian language? 1. Native speaker (Hawaiian first language) 1% 2. Fluent 4% 3. Moderate 12% 4. Limited 66% 5. None 20% 7. How often do you read the Ka Wai Ola o OHA? 1 . Always 87% 2. Occasionally 13% 3. Never 0% 8. Howr mueh of the Ka Wai Ola o OHA do you read? 1. All of it 60% 2. Someofit 40% 3. None of it 9. Whieh of the following do you turn to l!rst to obtain news about Hawaiian issues? 1. The Ka Wai Ola o OHA 54% 2. Daily newspapers 34% 3. Loeal magazines 1% 4. Television 6% 5. Other 5% 10. How many in your household read your copy of Ka Wai Ola o OHA ? 1 . none 0% 2. 1 .6 people (average per copy) 11. Where do you receive the most reliable information on Hawaiian issues and OHA news?

1. The Ka Wai 01 a o OHA 25% 2. Mostly the Ka Wai Ola o OHA and daily newspapers 38% 3. Mostly radio 0% 4. Mostly television 0% 5. Mostly the daily nevvspapers 3.5% 6. Some from the Ka Wai Ola, daily newspapers, radio and television 28% 7. Intemet 1% 8. Other 4% 12. Other than the Ka Wai Ola o OHA, what is your main source of information on Hawaiian issues and OHA news? 1 . Television 29% 2. Radio 5% 3. Honolulu Advertiser or Star-Bulletin 43% 4. Other 22% ('Olelo, neighbor island nevspapers civic clubs, Honolulu Weekly) 13. Do you agree with this statement? The Ka Wai Ola o OHA is vital to meeting my OHA information needs. 1 . Strongly agree with the statement 39% 2. Agree with the statement 44% 3. No opinion 12% 4. Disagree with the statement 6% 5. Strongly disagree with the statement 0% 14. Do you agree with this statement? The Ka Wai Ola needs more photos and graphics. 1 . Strongly agree with the statement 2 1 % 2. Agree with the statement 38% 3. No opinion 26% 4. Disagree with the statement 14% 5. Strongly disagree with the statement 3% 15. Do you agree with this statement? Ka Wai Ola o OHA 's appearance is appealing. 1 . Strongly agree with the statement 2 1 % 2. Agree with the statement 54% 3. No opinion 15% 4. Disagree with the statement 6% 5. Strongly disagree with the statement 3% 16. Do you agree with this statement? Ka Wai Ola o OHA 's layout and design add interest to reading the newspaper. 1 . Strongly agree with the statement 23% 2. Agree with the statement 49% 3. No opinion 19% 4. Disagree with the statement 6% 5. Strongly disagree with the statement 2% 17. Do you agree with this statement? Trustee columns are interesting and informative. 1. Strongly agree with the statement 16% 2. Agree with the statement 48% 3. No opinion 15% 4. Disagree with the statement 16% 5. Strongly disagree with the statement 5% 18. Do you agree with this statement? Trustee columns offer adequate coverage ofthe Trustees' views.

1. Strongly agree with the statement 14% 2. Agree with the statement 54% 3. No opinion 18% 4. Disagree with the statement 9% 5. Strongly disagree with the statement 5% 19. Do you agree with this statement? The Ka Wai Ola o OHA gives readers enough information about Native Hawaiian-related legislative issues. 1. Strongly agree with the statement 18% 2. Agree with the statement 41% 3. No opinion 13% 4. Disagree with the statement 19% 5. Strongly disagree with the statement 6% 20. Do you agree with this statement? , I want to heeome more involved with poliiieal and community issues that affect Hawaiians. 1 . Strongly agree with the statement 26% 2. Agree with the statement 39% 3. No opinion 24% 4. Disagree with the statement 8% 5. Strongly disagree with the statement 0% 21. Do you agree with this statement? Ka Wai Ola effectively covers eaeh ofthe following top -


Cultural issues 28% 56% 9% 5% 1% Beneficiary voices 14% 43% 21% 15% 1% and input Entertainment 14% 48% 24% 9% 2% Sovereignty issues 21 % 44% 1 5% 9% 1 % Hawaiian profiles 19% 55% 11% 12% 1% and personalities Letters to the editor 16% 51% 15% 11% 1% OHA features 20% 56% 16% 4% 1% Non-OHA features 11% 29% 41% 14% 2% Hawaiian issues 28% 50% 6% 9% 3% OHA BOT meetings 17% 42% 22% 9% 3% Sports 9% 30% 36% 18% 3% OHA finances and budget 18% 55% 13% 10% 1% Administration information 18% 46% 17% 24% 2%