Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 2002 — Together we stand, divided we fall -- Hawaiians must stand together: ʻOnipaʻa! [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Together we stand, divided we fall -- Hawaiians must stand together: ʻOnipaʻa!

In my last article I spoke about going to Washington, D.C., to attend the Roundtable discussions that highlighted the contributions made to Amenea by American Indians, Native Alaskans and Native Hawaiians. In their discussions and speeches, both American Indians and Native Alaskans supported the Hawaiian effort for self-determination. The day after the Roundtable discussions, a reception was held to honor native haroes who served in various wars. OHA and the Department of Hawaiians Home Lands sponsored the Roundtable discussions and the reception. The two-day event was a niee way to do some public relations. However, the organization hired by the OHA Chair and DHHL gave little or no credit to OHA for its sponsorship. Thus, the attem.pt to do PR for OHA was unsuccessful. We must be alert to organizations like CNHA who say they represent the people and the Hawaiian eom-

munity, when in fact, they don't. Also, on the Washington scene, the Akaka Bill seems to have hit a snag in the Senate with a few Republican senators including Senator Grahm of Texas and Senator Kyl of Arizona putting a hold on the bill. On the U.S. House side, Congressman Abercrombie continues to move forward thwarting opposition by Rep. Tom De Lay and a few others who are using the 1 4th amendment to delay the bill's passage. I have every confidence in Rep. Abercrombie who was successful in passing the first Akaka Bill whieh could have been mueh more controversial. I believe it is very important to note that while we all have been trying to figure out a way to be inelusive and to be sure that all Hawaiians have an opportunity to participate in the process to form a nation, the SCHHA, and at least one other group, are planning to develop

their own roll using the Hawaiian homesteaders to form their nation. They do not intend to wait for the Akaka bill to pass, nor do they intend to include anyone else in their so-called nation. Their intention is to petition the Department of the Interior with their documents and use the DHHL lands as their land base. While this is not exactly a new idea, the fact that this group thinks thatthey ean get away with it is ridiculous. They believe that Hawai'i's delegation will support this idea. Even if it were true, other Hawaiians will not support the eontinuation of a divided people. Onee and for all we have got to take a stand together. Divided we will fa.ll. We cannot buy into the idea of better to let some people get sovereignty than no one. Let us not be duped again. A smaller group will be easier to control and so will their assets. Come on, Hawaiians, it is time that we thihk for ourselves. We cannot let othars scare us into a situation

that will make things worse for Hawaiians. If recognition is good for some then it is good for all Hawaiians. Let us begin to work togethar to unite for the cause of recognition. Let us begin to agree on the things that we ean agree to and set aside the things we differ on and move forward together for the future generations of Hawaiians yet to eome. We cannot continue to let othem decide our future. To those who say to us, "it is better to let those select few move ahead without the rest of the people," we need to say to them, "we will be one nation, one people, and we will decide who will be in our nation." Let us be as our queen wished: Dnipa'a, steadfast, inwhatis good! "I appeal to you ... that there be no division among you, but thatyou be united in the same mind and the same purpose." — 1 Corinthians 1:10 ■

Rowena Akana

Trustee, At-large