Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 9, 1 September 2002 — RECENT RELEASES BY ISLAND ARTISTS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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the iheme for this working conferenee. All Native Hawaiian healers are weleome. Sponsored by the Waimānalo Heallh Center. Ko'olau Golf Course, Kāne'ohe. For information, eall Hālona Tanner at 2597948 ext. 102, or visit on line at www. waim analohe . org Fri., Sept. 20 — Aloha Festivals Waikiki' Ho'olaule'a Entertainment on 11 stages will range from Hawaiian to Rock. Leis, "ono food and craft vendors will draw thousands to Kalākaua Avenue fr om L ew ers St. to K ap ahu lu Ave. 7

I p.m. Waikiki. Free. I For information, I eall 589-1771. Sat., Sept. 21 Waialua Taro I Festival 1] Join Hui Kalo O I Waialua in their I 4th annual event, this year sponsored by Kamehameha

Schools. Activities center around the kalo with ' ono food, crafts, keiki games, poi pounding and entertainment. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Lili'uokalani Protestant Church, Hale'iwa. Free. for information, eall Keona Mark at 6378269. Sat., Sept. 21 — Hawaiian Legacy Film Fest The works of film producers Eddie and Myrna Kamae take the stage, along with a musical performanee by Eddie and Braddah Smitty, and an appeamnee by the Hawai'i Island Aloha Festivals

Royal Court. 5 p.m. " Listen to the Forest" 1 p.m., " Hawaiian Voices" Honoka'a People's Theatre. For information, eall 808-775-7228. Sun., Sept. 22-Sat., Sept. 28 — Kaua'i Mokihana Festival 18th annual event honoring Kaua'i's floral symbol, mokihana, brings together audiences from throughout Hawai'i and abroad to enjoy a hula competition, a music composers contest, lectures, cultural workshops and more. Events are island-wide. For a schedule, eall festival coordinator Nathan Kalama at 808-822-2166. Sat., Sept. 28-Sun. Nov 17 — Nā Kaha Ki'i o Ka'ū Meaning "the artists of Ka'ū," this multi-media art show will fill the Volcano Art Center Gallery. Artists reception Sept. 28 from 5-7 p.m. Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park. Free (park entrance fees may apply). For information, eall 9677565.

Sun., Sept. 29 — Susan G. Komen Hawaii Race for the Cure Thousands will gather at Kapi'olani Park for two events: a 5k race and a one-mile walk, all in support of finding a cure for breast eancer. Last year, 5,200 participants raised more than $180,000. 7:30 a.m. Kapi'olani Park Bandstand. $1 8 registration, ($22 after 9/20). KaWaiOlaoOHA accepts information on special events throughout the islands that are of interest to the Hawaiian community. Fund-raisers, benefit concerts, cultural activiti.es, sports events and the like are what we'd like to help you promote. Send information and color photos to Ka Wai Oia o OHA 71 1 Kapi'olani Blvd., Ste. 500 Honolulu, HI 96813-5249

Kahua: "Mali'o E" — The trio of Kenvi Moiikone, Nakana Wong and Gavan Miyashita make their debut with falsetto standards, classics and and a new tune, " Kahua O Mali'o by Puakea Nogelmeier. Produced by Uopieal Music.

Dezman: "Dezman" — Maui's own artist fuses reggae, Hawaiian, R&B and Soul into his own unique style. All original compositions. Guest artists include Sudden Rush fiom Hilo. Produced by Dominant Rhythm.

Forte: "Montage" — Gissele Tejada, Marlene Baldueza, Kristina Babaran and Joanne Banda aie the sizzling quartet that debuted five years ago and have grown in talent, counting thousands of fans. Great intio on track one. Afterthought Entertainment.

Various artists: "Island Music Volume One" — This mix brings together lessknown Maui artists including George Ho'opai, Diew, Malino, Billy Kekona, Zach Kekona and others in an energetic CD debut. Produced by Dominant Rhythm.

Kupuna clad in pāpale, mu'umu'u and lei kukui, sing and play 'ukulele in an Aloha Festivals Parade. Photo: Aioha Festīvais