Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 8, 1 August 2002 — Intensive workshops scheduled to educate potential homeowners [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Intensive workshops scheduled to educate potential homeowners
By Manu Boyd When the Board of Trustees approved the OHA Homeownership Program on VI ay 29, a partnership with the federally funded Fannie Mae Program was formalized, paving the way for hundreds of Hawaiians to pursue the dream of homeownership. Since then, statewide informational meetings have drawn more than 3,000 hopeful home buyers who otherwise may not have had the opportunity.
Those interested in the program must go through the normal loan process at either of the two participating lenders: First HawaiianEahk or Bahk of Hawai'i. In order that applicants be fully informed and educated on the home buying process, hnaneial literacy and debt management, intensive workshops have been organized on behalf of OHA by three community groups: Waimānalo Community Development Corporation, Hawail Community Assets and Aloha Credit Counseling . Ella Liu, debt management eounselor with Aloha Credit Counseling, helped design the workshops, and will also be a presenter. "The workshop is made up of two 8-hour
classes. The first day is hnaneial literacy and debt management, and home buyers education on the second day. For this first round, we're having the pemonrunning the OHA 1 03 program at Bank of Hawai'i eome along to go through the loan process. We want to be sure that eveiy who comes has every possible aspect of information so that they ean realize their dream. We're going to teach them about credit reports and how to keep your credit good. We're going to talk about foreclosure and bahkruptcy. We're going to
have Q&A sessions and answer any questions they might have," she explained. "The two-day classes are fairly intensive. It may be boring at parts, but we're going to try and make it as uplifting as possible. There will be a lot they'll have to learn. They're notgoing to learn it all, but they will be given packets with all of
the material. Hopefully when they're through with these two-day sessions, they'll be more encouraged. We will make an impact on their lives. We are going treat them good, and make them feel important," Liu said. "We're not going to lecture them, we're going to help them, push them along. For too long, our people have had a laek of confidence. frVe no more, we no ean.' That's the language. No more of 'no ean.' Plenty of "ean'." For a workshop applieahon, eall OHA at 594-1926. Applications are also available at OHA offices and those of the workshop organizem. Download application at www. oha.org. ■
O'AHU Thurs., Fri., Aug. 2 2, 23 8:30a.m.-4:30p.m. Kalihi-P ālam a Public Library Fri., Sat., Aug. 23, 24 8:3 Oa.m .-4 :30pm QLCC, Kane'ohe Tues . , Thurs . , S ep t. 3 , 5 7 p.m .- 9 p.m . Waimānalo P ub lie Iibrary Fri.,Sept. 20 5:30-9: 30p.m. Sat., S ept. 21 8 a.m .-4:3 0 pm 16 66 Mott-Smith Dr. Community ofChrist Annex Hall Fri., Sat., Oct. 1 1, 12 8:3 Oa.m .-4 :30 p.m. QLCC Kāne'ohe
Fri., Oct. 18 5:30pm - 9:30pm Sat., Oct. 19 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 16 66 Mott-Smith Drive Community ofChrist Annex Hall Fri., S at. , Nov. 1 5, 1 6 8:30 a.m .-4 :30 p.m. QLCC Kāne'ohe Fri., S at. , Nov. 22, 23 8:30 a.m .-4 :30p.m. Wahiawā Public Library Fri., S at. , Dec. 13, 14 8:30 a.m .-4 :30 p.m. QLCC Kāne'ohe HAWAI'I Sat., Aug. 3, 10, 17, 24 8:30am-l :00pm U.H. Campus Center, Rm 306
Sat., Sept. 7, 14, 21, 28 8 : 30 a.m .-1 p.m. Kealakehe High School Sat., Nov. 16, 2 3;Dec. 7, 14 8 : 30 am - 1 p .m. Waimea Intermediate School MAUI Mon.-Wed., Aug. 12-14 5:30- 9:30 p.m. QLCC Wailuku Fri., S ept. 6 5:30-9:30 p.m. Lahaina (site TBA) S at., S ept. 7 8 a.m . -4:3 0 p .m. Lahaina (siteTBA) Fri., Oct. 25 5:30-9:30 p.m. QLCC Wailuku
S at., O ct. 26 8 a.m .-4:3 Op.m. QLCC Wailuku Fri., Nov. 8 5:30-9:30 p.m. Lahaina (siteTBA) Sat.,Nov. 9 8 a.m .-4:3 Op.m. Lahaina (site TBA) MOLOKA'I Fri., Sat., Oct. 25 8:30 a.m .-4:3 0 p.m. QLCC Kaunakakai KAUA'I Fri., S at., S ep t. 6 , 7 8:30 a.m .-4:3 0 p.m. QLCC Līhu'e Fri., Sat., Deg 6 8:30 a.m .-4:3 0 p.m. QLCC Līhu'e
Aloha Credit Counseling's Ella Liu and Attomey Jim Tharp review workshop schedules.