Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 8, 1 August 2002 — Native website [ARTICLE]

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Native website

A new website launched last month brings the faces and voices

of native people to the world. Established to provide multimedia programming pertaining to American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian issues, NatKelife.tv (found at www.nativelife.tv) presents quality programming related to Native American issues in a magazine format that presents online native-oriented television and print news and feature stories, and arts and entertainment. Produced by Virginia-based Ravenheart f/Iedia, an independent natKe-controlled and operated media project, Nativelife.tv will include broadcasts of live events such as tribal gatherings, Congressional hearings, and other special events of importance to native audiences. The site also hosts an ongoing discussion forum where audience membeis ean eommenī on issues, stories, and events. See NEWSBRIEFS on page 14

NEWSBRIEFS from page 3 Lomilomi gathering The Third Annual Hawaiian Lomilomi Conference "E Ola Mlau" will be held Sept. 6 - 8 at ihe Hawai'i Naniloa Hotel in Hilo. The three-day event sponsored by the Hawaiian Lomilomi Association will bring together eldeis, lomi practitioneis and teachers from all islands, various countries, mainland States. A 11 are invited to share their knowledge, and to learn, of Hawaiian healing and martial arts, including lomilomi, hocoponopono, lua, hot stone lomi therapy, herbal healing, lomi stick therapy, lomi noho (chair lomi) and Sports Lomi. Register by Aug. 20. $225 or $100 per day; discounts for HLA members, students. For information or to register, contact Dane Silva at 808-965-8917 or kumulomi@ haleola.com or www.lomilomi.oīg/ eonference.html. Consultant job The Japan Program of ihe InterAmerican Development Bank, an international institution focusing on development fmancing in Latin America and Caribbean, is recruiting a Junior Project Consultant to help foster Pacific Rim collaborations . The program aims to strengthen relationships and knowledge exchange between Pacific Ri m and LAC partners, such as ihe Asia Development Bank, East-West Center, NGOs and univeisities. The consultant will work at IDB headquarters in Washington, D.C. Applicants must have extensive knowledge of Hawaiian Islands histoiy and culture and de\felopment and poverty issues in the Pacific; excellent English language skills (Spanish, Portuguese, or Japanese a plus); a Bachelor's or MIaster's degree in a related field. One-year contract, renewal possible; salaiy commensurate withexperienee. Fax or e-mail resume wilh cover letter by Aug. 31 to: Anne Emig, or VIichelle Hong, The Japan Program, Inter-American Development Bank, Fax 202-312-4153 or annee@iadb.org or michelleh@iadb.org. ■