Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2002 — Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
2002 Ka Wai Ola o OHA Readership Survey
Our readers are our customers. We want to know how you view the Ka Wai Ola o OHA. The following survey is intended to [ give you a voice in shaping the direction of the Ka ! Wai Ola o OHA for the next year.Your responses ■ are anonymous but will be used to help our staff ! focus on what OHA's beneficiaries want to read ! and see in your Ka Wai Ola o OHA. This is an | opportunity to respond in a survey that may not be | available again for another year. Now is the time to i have your voice heard. ! Within the next two months, we will report on ! your responses, including some of your comments. [ Please answer the following questions by cir- ! cling only one number next to your ehoiee. ■ Remember, your answers will remain anonymous.
Mail this form and any addtional responses to: Ka Wai Ola o OHA Survey 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Suite 500 Honolulu, Hl 9681 3 Your responses must be received by August 9. Photocopies of this survey will not be accepted. Results will be published in the September KWO.
1 . Strongly agree with the statement i 2. Agree with the statement j 3. No opinion | 4. Disagree with the statement ! 5. Strongly disagree with the statement ■ 20. Do you agree with ttiis statement? [ I want to heeome more involved with poliūeal and i community issues that qffect Hawaiians. [ 1 . Strongly agree with the statement \ 2. Agree with the statement ! 3. No opinion " 4. Disagree with the statement [ 5. Strongly disagree with the statement ! On question No. 21 , plaee a eheek mark in eaeh of | the appropriate areas. \
! 1. On whieh island do you live? i 1. Hawai'i ; 2. Kaua'i ! 3. Lāna'i ! 4. Maui ■ 5. Moloka'i ! 6. O'ahu ! 7. Out of state or none of the above j 2. What is your gender? ! 1 . Female ! 2. Male ! 3. What is your age? ! 1. Under 1 8 ! 2. 18-28 ; 3. 29-36 ! 4. 37-47 ! 5. 48-60 ■ 6. Kupuna ! 4. What is your education level? i 1 . Not a high school graduate ; 2. High school graduate or equivalent ! 3. High school graduate with some college ! 4. College graduate (BA/BS degree) ■ 5. Master's degree or higher ! 5. Whatis your Hawaiian blood quantum? ! 1 . 50 percent or more ' 2. Less than 50 percent ! 3. None ■ 6. How would you describe your command of ttie j Hawaiian language? ! 1 . Native speaker (Hawaiian first language) ! 2. Fluent ' 3. Moderate ! 4. Limited ! 5. None j 7. How often do you read the Ka Wai Ola o OHA1 ! 1 . Always ! 2. Occasionally ' 3. Never ! 8. How mueh of ttie Ka Wai Ola o OHA do you ! read? j 1 . All of it ! 2. Some ofit ! 3. None ofit [ 9. Whieh of the following do you turn to first to ! obtain news about Hawaiian issues? ! 1. The Ka Wai Ola o OHA ' 2. Daily newspapers ! 3. Loeal magazines ! 4. Television j 5. Other ! 10. How many in your household read your copy of ! KaWaiOlao OHA1 ' 1 . none ! 2. (indicate number). i 11. Where do you receive ttie most reliable informa- ; tion on Hawaiian issues and OHA news? ! 1. The Ka Wai Ola o OHA ! 2. Mostly the Ka Wai Ola o OHA and daily ' newspapers [ 3. Mostlyradio
4. Mostly television 21. Do you agree with this statement? j 5. Mostly the daily newspapers ga ~Wai Ola effectively covers eaeh of the following \ 6. Some from the Ka Wai Ola, daily newspapers, topics. ! radio and television !
7. Intemet 8. Other 12. Other than the Ka Wai Ola o OHA , what is your main source of information on Hawaiian issues and OHA news? 1. Television 2. Radio 3. Honolulu Advertiser or Star-Bulletin 4. Other (What source? ) 13. Do you agree with tiiis statement? The Ka Wai Ola o OHA is vital to meeting my OHA information needs. 1. Strongly agree with the statement 2. Agree with the statement 3. No opinion 4. Disagree with the statement 5. Strongly disagree with the statement 14. Do you agree with this statement? The Ka Wai Ola needs more photos and graphics. 1. Strongly agree with the statement 2. Agree with the statement 3. No opinion 4. Disagree with the statement 5. Strongly disagree with the statement 15. Do you agree with this statement? Ka Wai Ola o OHA's appearance is appealing 1. Strongly agree with the statement 2. Agree with the statement 3. No opinion 4. Disagree with the statement 5. Strongly disagree with the statement 16. Do you agree with this statement? Ka Wai Ola o OHA's layout and design add interest to reading the newspaper. 1. Strongly agree with the statement 2. Agree with the statement 3. No opinion 4. Disagree with the statement 5. Strongly disagree with the statement 17. Do you agree with this statement? Trustee columns are interesting and informative. 1. Strongly agree with the statement 2. Agree with the statement 3. No opinion 4. Disagree with the statement 5. Strongly disagree with the statement 18. Do you agree with this statement? Trustee columns offer adequate coverage ofthe Trustees' views. 1. Strongly agree with the statement 2. Agree with the statement 3. No opinion 4. Disagree with the statement 5. Strongly disagree with the statement 19. Do you agree with this statement? The Ka Wai Ola o OHA gives readers enough information about Native Hawaiian-related legislative issues.
L/ \ <%\ ^\ A\\\y\ ! I*J \\\\\\ I Cultural issues J Beneficiary voices ' and input ■ Entertainment j Sovereignty issues ! Hawaiian profiIes [ and personalities __ ! Letters to the editor ' OHA features ! Non-OHA features ! Hawaiian issues ■ OHA ROT meetings j Sports ! OHA finances ! anri ImkIīm'I j Administration ■ inloinuilion j 22. COMMENTS. PIease share your opinions j and/or any ideas that wouId help us improve the i Ka Wai Ola o OHA. Use additionaI paper if need- [ ed. !