Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 7, 1 July 2002 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
MĀKUA OPEN — The pubiic wiii now hcive ciccess to Mōkuei Vcilley on the Weii'eineie Cocist, einel experience first-hcincl the importcint culturcil einel circhcieologiccil sites inclucling cit lecist five heieiu complexes, petroglyphs, buricils, einel numerous house sites einel cigriculturcil terrcice wcills, Over 40 eneleingerecl species live here, inelueling the Heiweiiiein tree snciil, the O'eihu 'elepeiio, einel the heihei ( cyanea suberba). See story and access schedule on page 3.
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