Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2002 — Nā Leo's ʻHawaiian Memories' a party you won't forget [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Nā Leo's ʻHawaiian Memories' a party you won't forget

By Manu Boyd The singing voice is a true gift, and for Nā Leo Pilimehana, whose name means "the warm, blending voices," the gift is threefold. For nearly 20 years, the trio of Lehua Kalima Heine, Angie Morales and Nālani Choy, has produced some of Hawai'i's best music, mueh of whieh is contemporary in style. But "Hawaiian Memories " is a departure from the nonn offering up a purely Hawaiian mix of songs that connect eaeh member with their families and homes and special memories of growing up in Hawai'i. Lehua Kalima Heine's Hilo lineage is particularly apparent in such songs as Harry Nā'ope's uManu 'Ō'ō " (complete with 'ehieken skin flute

duet), uKu'u Home o Keaukaha " composed by Albert Nahale-a, and her grandfather's (Joe Kalima) own composition of the uHilo Hula " ("Kaulana mai nei 'o Hilo 'ēa ...) Like the elder Kalima, Lehua has blossomed into a world-class composer, though usually in English. uFlying with Angels " and uYou Don't Remember " are among her best-known hits. Lehua's dad, "Square" Kalima and his brothers, collectively "The Hilo Kalimas" contribute richly to the Keaukaha tribute, and when joined by the ladies, sound as full and elegant as the Hilo's famed Haili Church Choir. Nahale-a's uHe Punahele nō 'Oe " is performed as a sweet medley with uBaby Mine." uKu'u One Hānau ," meaning "my brith.pl aee" by producer/arranger Kenneth Makuakāne is a beautiful tribute to the homes of Lehua, Nālani and Angie: Keaukaha (Hilo), Waialua and Wai'anae. Eaeh leads their own verse highlighting their distinctly beautiful voices. Lehua's is the highest of the trio, Nālani's sultry voice is at the bottom, with ,Angie usually in the middle. Their individual ranges, however, allow eaeh to reach both alto and soprano registers.

Serving as uptempo bookends are "Kahakuloa" at the top, the mele made famous by the H o ' o p i ' i Brothers who hail from that northern M aui

valley; and "KoniAu," King Kalākaua's lively tribute to Waialua and the surf spot of Pua'ena off Hale'iwa," "I throb for drink - eool water - a sip of royal gin will bring on comfort to my being," A chorus of friends and family and a din of party noises hype the selection inviting listeners the ehanee to hang out for a while with three, talented Hawaiian ladies, Some may think of "Hawaiian Memories" as Nā Leo's alter ego, but really, it is a reflection of their foundation of 'ohana and kulaiwi. ■

Mfi f y Aii ana
