Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 7, 1 Iulai 2002 — Lapaʻau workshops [ARTICLE]
Lapaʻau workshops
Ka Leo O Nā Kahuna Lapa'au Council of Elders O Hawai'i — Hale O Lono presents a series of Lā'au Lapa'au workshops for the island of Hawai'i community, Workshops are free and are sponsored by Hui Mālama Ola Nā 'Ōiwi O Hawai'i, Dates are: July 6, Pāhoa; July 20, Kohala; Aug. 3, Waimea; and Aug, 10, Kona, For information and to register, eall 808-961-3118 or visit online at www, lokahiola.org.