Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 19, Number 6, 1 Iune 2002 — On being Hawaiian [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

On being Hawaiian

To be or not to be? We, to be what? There are many different things a person is, However, being Hawaiian is not simply being a member of a dying minority race as many people think, īt is being a part of a long legacy of pride, ingenuity and survival through imminent extinction and progressive rebirth, With the ingenious leadership of the ali'i and the skill of the maka'āinana, ancient Hawaiians formed a very proud culture unlike any other in the world, Sadly though, that culture was almost lost during the territorial period when Hawaiians were not allowed to speak their own language or eontinue cultural practices such as hula, That discrimination, though, makes me proud to be Hawaiian because the culture has survived

through the criticism and abuse that prior generations faced, īn this day and age, being Hawaiian means we are here to show the world how amazing and strong our culture was and is, and that it does not crumble under oppression, Going to a school where Hawaiian culture is strongly perpetuated, ī have learned how lucky ī am to be a Hawaiian because ī am part of a special, unique and proud heritage whieh has survived, and will do so for generations to eome, Allysa Taylor Kamehameha '02